Injection should be into the subcutaneous or supraperiosteal plane.Superficial injection (ie, into thedermis) should be avoided, as this may lead to visible neocollagenesis.lA reflux maneuver should be performed routinely to eliminate any risk of inadvertent intravascularinjection.ll Injection should be performed slowly.If the needle clogs, it should be removed and the foam pushed out of the syringe hub. A new needleshould then be affixed and primed prior to injection.lInjection technique can generally be selected based on the experience and comfort level of theclinician, with consideration given to the anatomic area being treated (see below).A cross-hatchpattern should be considered, especially while becoming familiar with PLLA.With more experience,fanning, cross-fanning, and depot approaches are also commonly utilized.Fanning has theadvantage of fewer needle sticks; however, vigilance is required to avoid multiple deposits at theapex of the fan.