Two models were tested in order to examine the hypothesized associations among latent vari-ables. The purpose of the two models were to test the mediating role of EI and AT in actualICT use (AU) by youth entrepreneurs in Malaysian rural community. The hypothesized directeffects and mediated effects (direct effects) were tested following the SEM approach and alsothe bootstrap procedure. The latest technique of analyzing the mediation effect is referred toas “bootstrapping,” and presents an estimation of the importance of the indirect effect and itsstatistical significance, and thus establishes CIs for the point estimate (Mallinckrodt,Abraham, Wei, & Russell, 2006). Therefore, in this study, the process of bootstrapping wasused to see both of the standardized indirect effects, together with direct and the standardizedtotal effect. In an indirect effect, an exogenous variable affects an endogenous variable via themediation of at least one other variable (Kaplan, 2000) if the bias fixed and accelerated boot-strapping CIs (set at 95% from 5000 bootstrap samples) did not comprise zero.