Long ago,
before the founders establishedNthis great city of ours
that word was all but meaningless,Nan ideal as elusive as a dream.
Now, 200 years later.
We are all of us living proofNthat peace is indeed attainable.
The reason for this is ofNcourse are faction system.
Erudite, Dauntless,NAmity, Candor, Abnegation.
In dividing people accordingNto personality and attitude
we've created a society in whichNeach faction plays a critical role
in maintaining the social order.
But this harmony we achievedNis now under attack from
a small but extremely dangerousNgroup of individuals.
We call them "Divergents".
They are in essence the worstNof what humanity used to be
rebellious, defiant, and uncontrollable.
Five days ago, a rogueNgroup of divergents
posing as Dauntless brutelyNinvaded Abnegation
in an obvious attemptNto cripple the faction
system by attacking it'sNmost vulnerable members.
These divergents despise our system becauseNthey are incapable of conforming to it.
These latest rumours for example that I wasNsomehow behind the attack on abnegation
is nothing more that divergent propaganda.
I have devoted myself to bringingNthese fugitives to justice.
I've exercised my right as actingNcouncil leader to declare martial law
until im confident that any threatNto our security has been eliminated.
Tell Jeanine we got it.
We are all that's left of humanity.
The vast wall that encloses this city
may protect us from our toxic surroundings,
but it is up to us to confront any elementNthat can poison us from within.
Because when you are civilizationsNlast hope peace is not merely an ideal
its an obligation.
And it is up to all us to take a standNposition against it's one true enemy.
We should make sure it's clear.
Help us, help us, please!
Please help us,Nyou have to help us!
I'm sorry, you have to leave.
- You just don't belong here.N- It's all her fault.
You killed Will.
She killed...
You've killed us all.
- And... Three!N- Higher!
Higher, higher!N- Are you alright?
Okay everyone back to you classroom
I just wanted to do something different.
Well that's definitely different.
- You dont like it?N- No, I like it, I like it alot
I'm just surprised, that's all.
- What's going on, Tris?N- Nothing. I'm fine.
Still having nightmares?
We're good.
You and me. I know nothingNelse is, but we are.
Time for chores.
How much longer do weNhave to stay here, Four?
Until we know it'sNsafe to leave.
- Hey.N- Hey.
You can't ignore me forever.
I know you're thinking about your nextNmove, but there are things you don't know.
Marcus, please just leave us alone.
Your mother didn't come back toNabnegation just to save you.
She died trying to hideNsomething from Jeanine
that something entrustedNto Abnegation
- long time ago.N- Marcus! Stop!
Whatever you want from us,Nyou're not gonna get it.
I'm not the enemy here.
You found it...
It was in the home of NatalieNand Andrew Prior, like you said.
Want to tell me what's inside?
A message from the founders that willNensure the future of people who deserve it.
Divergents will destroy our society,Nunless we destroy them.
And now we can.
However, only a divergentNcan open this box.
Find them!
Every last one of them.
Go with happiness.
Go with happiness.
- You with happiness.N- Thank you.
Go with happiness.
I really don't know how much longer INcan do this whole peace and love thing.
It's the amity way, just try to blend in.
I'm trying to blend in,
and its just not working.
- Coming through, on you right.NHey here we go.
Look a rainbow. It's pretty.
Pathological offendiness along withoutNquestioning passivity. I love this place.
Thank you. Go with happiness.
- Oops, Excuse me.N- Hey tris, I really like your hair by the way.
Did you try to cut itNall short and weird...
Hey Peter, why don't you takeNyour food and sit down huh?
Or what?
Besides I think we all should stick togetherNnow that we are officially fugitives.
Wait what do you meanNby official fugitives?
You don't know? YouNdid'nt tell Caleb?
Yesterday Jeanine announced thatNthe attack on Abnegation
was organized by a group ofNregenade divergents And their sympathizers.
So they're blamingNthis whole thing on us?
And Jeanine needed aNreason to petition to the
council so they couldNinstitute martial law.
And now she had one.
Staying here at Amity is
the best option for now.
We need to keep an eyeNof the ground and find
out where the rest ofNthe dauntless are.
- Then we can make a move.N- We need to kill Jeanine.
I know, we're not ready yet.
- Beatrice you're not being serious, right?N- No I am being serious..
I'm not gonna stop until she's dead.
Tris you can't just goNaround killing people.
She's right, listenNto your sister.
Tris, I think you should go to
erudite and killNJeanine yourself.
I will stay with Caleb so
they don't kill him too.
C'mon you know.
What you did with your parents.
What do you think you're doing?
- My office! Now!
Enjoy your meal everyone, enjoy your meal.
Hey, you need to calm down.
Was I not clear that the terms of yourNsanctuary here included non violence?
Well I can guarantee you nothingNlike this will ever happen again.
Be that as it may, you canNno longer stay here with us.
Your presence, it is just too disruptive.
The truth is that our sanctuary was neverNgonna last very long here anyways.
Was it?NWith you not standing up to Jeanine.
- You don't understand us at all.N- No I do understand you.
I understand that you think you canNstay out of this but you can't.
One day she's gonna show upNand Jeanine is gonna take
whatever power you thinkNyou have away from you.
Tris! Tris!
Look, Johanna, we need a little more time.
We need to find out where the rest ofNthe Dauntless are, then we can leave.
And then what? Attack Erudite?
- I will not be a part of your violence.N- No one is asking you to.
We just need a few more days.
- One, what?N- One more chance.
See, to be Amity is to forgiveNothers, and yourself.
You're hurting Tris.
And my heart goes out to you.
I know what it's like to stand helplessNwhile you loose the ones you love.
But killing Jeanine will notNgonna bring your mother back.
I know you're angry, butNyou're letting it consume you.
- What is it?
Stay here and keep quite.
Gentlemen, Amity welcomes you.
- To what do we owe the pleasure.N- This isn't really a social call Johanna.
- We're looking for divergents.N- I see.
Well of course, anythingNwe can do to help.
We need you to volunteerNyour faction to be tested.
This is screening technology from Erudite.
Not that Jeanine is headingNup yo the council the
whole improval processingNgot a little easier.
- You're exceeding your jurisdiction.N- Now, Johanna.
What happened to that Amity politeness.
The easy way, or the hard way?NIt's up to you.
Alright, but under protest.
Okay we're good to go!NMove it out!
All Amity report to the dome all come toNthe dome for new mandatory testing.
Ok, lets go, get inside!
You know something lady?
You seem awfully stuck in that doorway.
Eric is here. We need to move now, come on.
- What's up there?N- Just my office.
There's two guards with guns.
We're going out the window?
We need to split up.
Okey, yeah.
Every man for hmself.
Hey, they're up here!
Hey, they're up here! ComeNqon they're getting away!
You're ready?
- Where?N- Out the window!
I got three on footNheading towards the dome!
- Get them low!N- Repeat, three on foot toward the dome.
Over there!
- I demand amnisty!N- Sit down! Sit down!
I believe in Abignation, it's my right!
- Detain him!N- Let's go!
Come on, keep moving!
Come on!
- Listen!N- What?
A train!
Go, go, go!
Keep moving.
Come on, go.
- Go, go!N- Caleb!
You sure know how to make an entrance!
- Factionless.N- Amity.
Oh, you stare like dogs.
I have no idea what this one is.
- Look, we just need to get to the city, thats all.N- Well to bad, the train is taken.
And you damaged our cargo.
These are Abnegation andNyou are factionless right?
- Caleb!N- I used to be Abnegation.
We used the same boltsNto make cloth for you.
Are you saying that we steal from you?
No no, I'm no longer Abnegation,Nso technically you're not stealing from me.
No, you're not stealing at all.
It's a questions of semantics I supposeNwether it's stealing or sharing.
- But it's all really the same.N- That's enough!
Everybody relax alright.NYou've made your point.
- We'll get off your train alright.N- Guy, would everybody just relax?
Why don't we take a seat?
- I was just trying to help!N- Don't.
Yeah, this is going to be fun.
Everybody calm down alright?
Get off! Get off!
- You alright?N- Yup.
Are you okay?
- Tobias Eaton.N- Say it again.
Tobias Eaton.
What you know him?
I am him.
We have been looking for you.
What are they talking about?
Follow me.
Tris! I'm sorry, I wanted to help.
Four! Four! Why are they looking for you?
How do they know your your name?
This is factionless.
This is insane.
I thought she was dead.
Me too.
Somebody please tell meNwhat's going on here.
Tobias's father was very abusive.
I knew the only way I couldNever truly escape him was...
to disappear completely.
Abnegation helped me fake my death.
Anything to protect Marcus image.
But you just left himNthere alone with Marcus.
I was very young.
I reached out to him about a year ago.
I felt it was finally time to reconnect.
- I'm still your mother.N- No, my mother is dead.
I went to her funeral when I was six.
And she wasn't trying to reconnect with me.
She was trying to use me.NLike you are now.
She wants an army.
- An army?N- I want an alliance.
- No, what yo