Perceived value is defined here as a multidimensional construct consisting of monetary, convenience, emotional, social, conditional, and epistemic value. This multidimensional view of value is especially encouraged in the mobile field,where recent research results indicate that perceived value should include the time and location in which the service process occurs (Heinonen, 2004). The perceived value dimensions in this study are based on the broad consumption value framework introduced by Sheth, Newman, and Gross (1991). The five originalconsumption value dimensions developed by these authors (functional, emotional, social, epistemic, and conditional) were designed for analyzing purchase decisions for traditional goods or brands. Consequently, although the value dimensions remain the same, except for functional value, some modifications were required in order to adapt these perceived value measures for use in a mobile service context. Sweeney and Soutar (2001) argue that functional value has subdimensions (value for money and expected performance of the product) that should be measured separately. We therefore divide functional value into two subconstructs. Here they are labeled monetary and convenience value. Significantly,convenience has been reported as an important reason to use mobile services(Anckar & D’Incau, 2002). In previous literature, the value dimensions have each been conceptualized as having a direct influence on consumption behavior (Sheth, Newman, & Gross, 1991).