yeah but MOST likely cnblue will win so :( • Reply•Share › AvatarAnn L的繁體中文翻譯

yeah but MOST likely cnblue will wi

yeah but MOST likely cnblue will win so :(
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Ann Lee top visual • 20 hours ago
I like cnblue too...but i want day6 to win this time...
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chococat07 • 20 hours ago
Oh come on, got7 !!
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Lamphead • 20 hours ago
The difference with JYP this year is simply that he's been spending more money.

It's exciting! Between Korea and Japan it's like GOT7 has comeback 20 times this year. Twice's first video looks way more expensive than anything JYP artists have gotten the past few years.

JYP is all in, that's what it seems like.
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Unnie Didn't mean it • 20 hours ago
omg! poor people...
the hate on GOT7 is real in the comments here..
aren't u ashamed? at least hate them if they did something wrong but they are basically have no scandals or missbehaving to hate --" (i'm talking as a viewer i'm nt even a fan) ur using arguments and evidence just to hate on someone does not know u exist and didn't do anything wrong to u or ur bias at least? shame on u...
as for the music i think it's a matter of personal prefrences u don't expect everyone to like/support the same thing ....
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Ann Lee Unnie Didn't mean it • 20 hours ago
The more you popular the more you have haters..that is the theory...
Like you said got7 did nothing wrong..People just hate for no reason..Wishing got7 all the success
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T-araT-ara Unnie Didn't mean it • 20 hours ago
Many groups get hated before they even debut. Get over it.
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Unnie Didn't mean it T-araT-ara • 20 hours ago
but they debut years ago wake up!
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T-araT-ara Unnie Didn't mean it • 20 hours ago
What are you saying lol. Did you even get what i was saying, coz i wont bother explaining a simple sentence.
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Unnie Didn't mean it T-araT-ara • 20 hours ago
i understand what u mean but it's not really an excuse to hate without a reason
some bands gets hate before debut for too much media playing that's a reason
others gets hate for bullying scandal of some member that's a reason too but for GOT7 i see no reason to hate they didn't do anything as far as i know... i mean there is always a reason
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T-araT-ara Unnie Didn't mean it • 20 hours ago
Nope. There are groups that get hated before debut when there wasn't any mediaplay. So everything you said is invalid.
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Unnie Didn't mean it T-araT-ara • 19 hours ago
it is valid but not on everyone!
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rinah • 21 hours ago
I'm curious, isn't btob more popular than got7 or am I wrong? (I don't follow either so I'm just asking) because I know more people who stan btob than got7...
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Ann Lee rinah • 21 hours ago
I think got7 is more popular internationally...I don't know about korea..I think both groups are kind of similar in korea....
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IKON CUZ ICAN rinah • 21 hours ago
this might help. in instagram, btob have mostly korean comments. got7 have mostly english comments.
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hvangzltao • 21 hours ago
Yeah, all they said was true... but jyp when are u going to take 15& out of the dungeon?
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top visual hvangzltao • 20 hours ago
they did, at the start of the year
then jimin got her solo debut
and now yerin will have her solo debut in november
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red vampire • 21 hours ago
Some of users are so ugly. If you hate the entire jype why u all bother? Just ewww.
Let see next year. Singing is not enough to get ur name out there. Got7 & twice really have potential if jype stop doing them dirty they need a kick ass song not mediocre.
And lmao day6 jype seems lazy to promote them.

P/s jyp new generation kinda interesting though. Got7 & day6 have talents it is just jype as company didnt know how to promote talents. It is like just find if they have talents.

The main reason why jype kinda falling is they didnt dare to try mindblowing concept. It is like they kinda stuck in 2009.
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수잔 ♥ red vampire • 21 hours ago
GOT7 is supposed to be re-vamping next year once ALL the members are of legal age.... So far he's given them what fit with their age group. BamBam looked too young at the beginning. This is why they did "If you do" right now... It's supposed to be just a touch of the direction their heading. Although, I think they'll most likely do two concepts cute/fun and sexy/badass.

Day6 is currently being promoted as indie to gain recognition in the underground scene. They've actually built a name already. I think they'll eventually get transitioned from Studio J to JYPE. Personally, I think they're JYP's golden child who is sure to do amazing. They will gain KPOP fans both in Korea and internationally. Also, they're style will in general appeal to the Korean public as a whole.

Twice..... They're also going to be big. I can't wait for the CF deals to start coming in.

I think JYP will be investing more on them next year.
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T-araT-ara 수잔 ♥ • 20 hours ago
If twice is going to be big, i worry for miss a.
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top visual T-araT-ara • 20 hours ago
miss a have already reached what all girl groups aim to achieve in their debut year and they had paks this year with only you and fei/jia/suzy's movies are doing well in 3 countries consecutively
worry for your own faves
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T-araT-ara top visual • 20 hours ago
So they peaked at their debut year. I see.
PAK depends on timing and opportunity so they got lucky and you know it. Lol.
How's Min doing? Oops.
My faves are hitting it bigger than ANY kpop acts in china. I wish i need to worry about them.
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top visual T-araT-ara • 20 hours ago
1.well china aint gonna love them forever the hallyu wave is dying and its only a matter of time until t-ara comes back to the clusterfuck of hate in korea

2.exo came back on the same day as them.... so idk what ur on about timing

3.she's going on variety and singing shows
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guest red vampire • 21 hours ago
I think JYP knows what they are doing. Like Day6 is a band, so I think JYP is trying to push the indie concept on them so they are not really promoting in music shows but more performing at concerts and festivals which is where there potential audience will most likely be. I like how JYP doesnt make their idols show off their talents so much like how other companies do.
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Ann Lee red vampire • 20 hours ago
Day6 boys themselves said that they don't want to promote on music shows..Because they can't play their instruments live on these shows...
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T-araT-ara • 21 hours ago
Suzy has been JYP's life buoy and there's no mention of her?
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guest T-araT-ara • 21 hours ago
Suzy is in Miss A...
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T-araT-ara guest • 21 hours ago
Omg i didn't realize that. /s

Obviously Miss A as a whole wasn't the one jyp is hanging on to for his dear life.
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guest T-araT-ara • 21 hours ago
And Suzy didn't release solo works as a singer either. So why would they talk about Suzy as a solo act?
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seolbabe • a day ago
8. [+1,259, -170] I saw Inkigayo for the first time in 10 years and was bored with how similar all of the female idol group concepts were. Innocent looks with school uniforms... you can see why there hasn't been a girl group since Soshi hit daebak.

What about Sonamoo and The Ark?? I think Sonamoo is quite similar to Twice..
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IKON CUZ ICAN seolbabe • a day ago
They are floating in Nugu Lands. Will probably disband soon. Not everyone can eat the cherry.
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it's cold seolbabe • 21 hours ago
Sonamoo has bad visuals and mediocre music, The Ark has mediocre everything and are boring. Nugus too.
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Visindahouse • a day ago
Jyp did well... Only yg did better
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ShadyWGFacts Visindahouse • 17 hours ago
what you talkinb about twice debut was far more successful than ikons debut thats forsure no one cared for ikons debut lol
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IKON CUZ ICAN Visindahouse • a day ago
YG and SM are the supreme gods. I bought YG shares last month.
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guest IKON CUZ ICAN • 21 hours ago
That meant you're losing money, as their stocks fell after iKon's debut
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IKON CUZ ICAN guest • 21 hours ago
Well I am not stupid enough to sell my shares now. I'm gonna wait till next year or so to sell them, because according to the projections, shares will go up by at least 100%.
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IKON CUZ ICAN • a day ago
Another fun fact: 785 singles/EP/full albums has been released in 2015.
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Nessy93 • a day ago
sorry but the only artists I liked from JYP this year are WG and Day6. Twice's title track didn't really get into me, and let's not talk about that disapointing track from 2pm - let's go home/or don't go home(can't remember). Even though I liked just GGG from Got7 and their new song isn't my type but I'm happy for them forwining on Show campion. I hope they improve even more so I can listen to some of their songs. As for JYP I think he'll always gonna be part of the big three. I mean almost no one can think about them without thinking about JYP. It's IMPOSSIBLE. their uniq lack is the lack of promotion. just that.
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Argama • a day ago
Yes, yes they can~ ♪♫
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eruaru • a day ago
TWICE is kinda like GOT7 with more international fans I think. Like, honestly, the famous members are foreigners. So realistically speaking, it's really hard for them to top the digital chart or win a music progra
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是的但最有可能 cnblue 將贏得如此:(• Reply•Share ›阿凡達安李頂尖視覺 • 20 小時前我也喜歡 cnblue......我想 day6 贏得這次選舉,但...• Reply•Share ›阿凡達chococat07 • 20 小時前加油哦,got7!!• Reply•Share ›阿凡達塞斯 • 20 小時前JYP 的不同之處,今年只是簡單地他花更多的錢。它是令人興奮!韓國和日本之間就像 GOT7 已複出今年 20 次。兩次是第一次視頻看起來比任何 JYP 演出者已經過去幾年更貴。JYP 是都在這就是它似乎像。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達姐姐不是那個意思 • 20 小時前omg!可憐的人......在 GOT7 上的恨是真正的評論。你就不覺得害臊嗎?至少恨他們,如果他們做了一些錯,但他們基本上已經沒有醜聞或 missbehaving 恨 — —"(我說作為一個觀眾我 nt 甚至風扇) 你使用論據和證據只是要恨一個人不知道 u 存在並沒做錯什麼對你或你的偏見,至少?以你為恥......至於音樂這是生死攸關的個人普惠制 u 不期待每個人都像/支援同樣的事情......• Reply•Share ›阿凡達安李姐姐不是那個意思 • 20 小時前有越多你受歡迎的越多你討厭。這就是理論...就像你說的 got7 做過什麼錯事。人們只是討厭沒有理由。祝所有成功的 got74 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達T-阿拉特基-ara 姐姐不是那個意思 • 20 小時前很多團體得到恨之前他們甚至首次亮相。得了吧。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達姐姐不是故意的 ara 阿拉特基 • 20 小時前但他們首次亮相年前醒來!• Reply•Share ›阿凡達T-阿拉特基-ara 姐姐不是那個意思 • 20 小時前哈哈,你說是什麼。你甚至得到自己在說些什麼,因為我不會打擾解釋一個簡單的句子。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達姐姐不是故意的 ara 阿拉特基 • 20 小時前我明白你的意思,但它不是真的恨無理由的藉口一些樂隊獲取恨前首次亮相為太多的媒體玩這就是原因其他人獲取恨欺負醜聞的一些成員,也是一個原因,但為 GOT7 我認為沒有理由去恨他們不做任何據我所知......我的意思是都是有原因• Reply•Share ›阿凡達T-阿拉特基-ara 姐姐不是那個意思 • 20 小時前不行。有得到恨之前首次亮相,當沒有任何 mediaplay 的團體。所以你說的一切都是不正確。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達姐姐不是故意的 ara 阿拉特基 • 19 小時前它是有效的但不是對每一個人!• Reply•Share ›阿凡達rinah • 21 小時前我很好奇,不是 btob 比 got7 更受歡迎或我錯了嗎?(我不懂也,所以我只問) 因為我知道更多的人比 got7 斯坦 btob......• Reply•Share ›阿凡達安李 rinah • 21 小時前我認為 got7 國際上更受歡迎......我不知道韓國的事。這兩個群體是在韓國有幾分相似......• Reply•Share ›阿凡達IKON 因為 ICAN rinah • 21 小時前這可能説明。在 instagram,btob 的評語大多是韓國。got7 主要的英語評語。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達hvangzltao • 21 小時前是的他們所說的一切是真實的但 jyp......你打算什麼時候把 15 & 從牢獄?• Reply•Share ›阿凡達頂尖視覺 hvangzltao • 20 小時前他們做了,在今年年初然後濟民得到了她的獨奏首演現在 yerin 將在 11 月有她的獨奏首演1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達紅吸血鬼 • 21 小時前有些使用者卻很醜陋。如果你討厭你所有的何必整個 jype 嗎?只是袋子。讓明年見。唱歌不是足以讓你的名字在那裡。Got7 & 兩次真的有潛力,如果 jype 停止做他們髒他們需要踢屁股歌不平庸。Lmao day6 jype 似乎懶得促進他們。P/s jyp 新一代還挺有趣的雖然。Got7 & day6 有人才,它是只是 jype 公司不知道如何促進人才。如果他們有天賦,這就像剛找到。主要原因為什麼 jype 有點下降是他們不敢去嘗試讓我們驚歎的概念。這就像他們有點困在 2009 年。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達수잔 ♥ 紅吸血鬼 • 21 小時前GOT7 被應該被重新整頓明年一旦所有成員的法定年齡...到目前為止他給了他們什麼適合其年齡組。BamBam 看上去太年輕初。這就是為什麼他們做了"如果你做"現在...它應該是只是淡淡的方向他們的標題。雖然,我認為他們最有可能會做兩個概念可愛/樂趣和性感/壞蛋。Day6 目前正在促進作為獨立獲得地下場景中的承認。他們實際上已經建造一個名稱。他們最終會得到轉換從工作室 J 到 JYPE 吧就個人而言,我認為他們是 JYP 的金色年華的孩子,是肯定要做令人驚歎。他們將獲得韓流粉絲在韓國和國際上。此外,他們風格一般會呼籲韓國市民作為一個整體。兩次......他們也要大。我不能等待 CF 交易開始進來。JYP 更會增加投資對他們明年吧1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達T-阿拉特基-ara 수잔 ♥ • 20 小時前如果兩次要大,我擔心小姐。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達頂尖視覺 ara 阿拉特基 • 20 小時前小姐已經達到所有女孩團體都旨在實現在他們首次亮相年和他們有資料袋今年只有你和飛/佳/蘇西電影連續做 3 個國家擔心你自己的喜愛1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達T-阿拉特基-ara 頂尖視覺 • 20 小時前所以他們在他們首次亮相年達到頂峰。明白了。白石取決於時間和機會,所以他們很幸運,你知道它。哈哈。Min 如何做?哎呀。我的收藏打它比在中國任何韓流行為。我想我需要為他們擔心。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達頂尖視覺 ara 阿拉特基 • 20 小時前1.中國是不是去愛他們,永遠死韓流波和它的唯一時間直到 t ara 回來到仇恨在韓國的胡鬧的問題2.外型回來當天作為他們......所以我不知道什麼你對時間3.she 的品種和歌唱表演會1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達客人紅吸血鬼 • 21 小時前我認為 JYP 知道他們在做什麼。像 Day6 是一個樂隊,所以 JYP 試圖推動獨立概念上他們所以他們不真的在音樂節目,但更多的表演,音樂會和節日是哪裡有潛在觀眾將最有可能在促進會。我喜歡 JYP 如何不讓偶像炫耀他們像其他公司是怎樣做的人才。1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達安李紅色吸血鬼 • 20 小時前Day6 男孩們說他們不想要促進音樂節目。因為他們不能發揮他們的樂器生活在這些節目......• Reply•Share ›阿凡達Ara 阿拉特基 • 21 小時前蘇西一直 JYP 的救生圈並沒有提及她的嗎?• Reply•Share ›阿凡達客人 ara 阿拉特基 • 21 小時前蘇西是在小姐 A.。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達T-阿拉特基-ara 客人 • 21 小時前Omg 我沒有意識到。/s作為一個整體 A 小姐顯然不是一個 jyp 掛上為他寶貴的生命。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達客人 ara 阿拉特基 • 21 小時前蘇西並沒有發佈獨奏作品也作為一名歌手。那麼為什麼將他們談論 Suzy 作為獨奏的行為呢?• Reply•Share ›阿凡達seolbabe • 一天前8.[+1,259,-170] 我 10 年的第一次看到 Inkigayo 和厭煩的女性偶像組概念是如何類似全。清純的外表與校服......你可以看到為什麼自從 Soshi daebak 沒有女孩組。Sonamoo 和方舟呢??Sonamoo 是非常類似于兩次。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達IKON 因為 ICAN seolbabe • 一天前他們浮在努古土地。將可能很快就解散。不是每個人都可以吃的櫻桃。3 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達它是冷 seolbabe • 21 小時前Sonamoo 有好的視覺效果和平庸的音樂,方舟有平庸的一切和無聊。Nugus 太。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達Visindahouse • 一天前Jyp 做得很好...只有 yg 做得更好• Reply•Share ›阿凡達ShadyWGFacts Visindahouse • 17 小時前你關於兩次首次亮相的 talkinb 是比聖像首次亮相的使者了沒有人照顧聖像首次亮相哈哈遠更成功• Reply•Share ›阿凡達IKON 因為 ICAN Visindahouse • 一天前YG SM 是最高的神。我上個月買了 YG 股份。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達客人 IKON 因為 ICAN • 21 小時前這就意味著你損失了錢,他們的股票下挫後 iKon 的首次亮相• Reply•Share ›阿凡達IKON 因為 ICAN 客人 • 21 小時前很好我還沒笨到現在賣掉的股票。我要等到明年,賣給他們,因為據推算,股票會上漲至少 100%。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達IKON 因為 ICAN • 一天前另一個有趣的事實: 在 2015 年發佈了 785 單打,EP,全專輯。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達Nessy93 • 一天前抱歉,但我喜歡從 JYP 今年唯一演出者是 WG 和 Day6。兩次是標題軌道並沒有真正進入我,並讓我們不談論那光禿禿跟蹤從 2 下午-回家吧 / 或不去 home(can't remember)。儘管我喜歡只是 GGG 從 Got7 和他們的新歌不是我喜歡的類型,但我為他們感到高興 forwining 上顯示坎皮恩。我希望他們更多的進步,所以我可以聽聽他們的歌曲的一些。至於 JYP 我認為他會總是要大三部分。我的意思是,幾乎沒有人可以想一想 JYP 不假思索。它是不可能的。他們 uniq 缺乏是缺乏推廣。只是這樣。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達Argama • 一天前是啊是啊他們可以 ~ ♪• Reply•Share ›阿凡達eruaru • 一天前兩次有點像 GOT7 和我想的更多的國際球迷。像,老實說,著名的成員是外國人。所以現實地講,這是他們最熱門數位海圖或贏得音樂縱梁真的很難
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chococat07• 20小時前
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與JYP所不同,今年僅僅是他已經花更多的錢。這是令人興奮!之間的韓國和日本這就像GOT7有復出的20倍今年以來,有兩次是第一視頻看起來方式比什麼JYP藝人已經得到了在過去幾年更加昂貴。JYP 全在,這就是它看起來像。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達Unnie不是那個意思•20個小時前OMG!窮人...... 在GOT7的仇恨是真實的在這裡評論.. 沒有ü以為恥,至少恨他們,如果他們做錯了什麼,但他們基本上沒有什麼醜聞或missbehaving恨- ?“(我談話作為一個觀眾我正在新台幣連風扇)烏拉圭回合使用論點和證據只是恨上有人不知道ü存在,並沒有至少做錯任何事,以U或UR偏見?可恥的是U.。作為音樂,我認為這是個人的prefrences的事你不期望每個人都喜歡/支持同樣的事情....• 答复•分享> 阿凡達李安Unnie不是那個意思• 19小時前你越流行越多,你有haters..that是理論...... 就像你說的got7什麼也沒做wrong..People只是恨沒有reason..Wishing got7所有的成功4•答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA Unnie不是那個意思•20個小時前許多團體獲得恨之前,他們甚至登場。克服它。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達Unnie不是故意的T-阿拉特-ARA•20個小時前,但他們出道年前醒來!• 答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA Unnie不是故意的•20個小時前你在說什麼笑。你甚至可以說出來的話,怎麼我不會打擾解釋一個簡單的句子。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達Unnie不是故意的T-阿拉特-ARA•20個小時前我明白什麼ü意思,但它不是一個真正的藉口沒有無緣無故的恨某些頻段獲得恨出道前太多媒體播放,這是一個原因,其他人得到討厭一些成員,這是一個原因,太欺負醜聞,但對於GOT7我看不出有任何理由去恨他們沒有做任何事情,只要我知道...我的意思是總有一個理由•答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA Unnie不是那個意思•20個小時前都能跟得上。有跡象表明,出道前獲得恨的時候有沒有任何的mediaplay組。所以,你所說的一切是無效的。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達Unnie不是故意的T-阿拉特-ARA•20小時前它是有效的,但不是每個人!• 答复•分享> 阿凡達rinah•22小時前我好奇,是不是BTOB更受歡迎比got7還是我錯了?(我不跟隨任何所以我只是問),因為我知道,更多的人誰斯坦BTOB比got7 ...• 答复•分享> 阿凡達李安rinah•22小時以前我覺得got7是國際上比較流行的...我不知道korea..I認為這兩個群體是在韓國的一種類似....• 答复•分享> 阿凡達IKON CUZ ICAN rinah•22小時前這可能幫助。在Instagram的,BTOB有大部分是韓國的意見。got7大多有英文註釋。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達hvangzltao•22小時前是的,他們所說的是真的......但JYP當是ü將採取15從牢獄中?• 答复•分享> 阿凡達頂級視覺hvangzltao •20個小時前,他們做到了,在今年年初那麼基民得到了她的首張個人專輯,現在葉林將今年11月她的首張個人專輯1•答复•分享> 頭像的紅色吸血鬼•22小時以前有些用戶是如此的醜陋。如果你不喜歡整個JYPE為什麼ü所有的煩惱呢?只是EWWW。讓我們看看明年。唱歌是不夠的,得到烏拉圭回合的名字在那裡。Got7和兩次真正有潛力,如果JYPE停止做這些骯髒的,他們需要一個踢屁股的歌曲沒有表現平平。而LMAO DAY6 JYPE似乎懶得去推廣。P / S JYP新一代還挺有趣的,雖然。Got7&DAY6有天賦,它只是JYPE的公司不知道如何促進人才。它像只覺得,如果他們有天賦。主要的原因JYPE有點下降是他們沒有敢於嘗試mindblowing概念。這就像他們還挺停留在2009年。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達수 잔 ♥紅色的吸血鬼•22小時前GOT7是應該重新湊湊熱鬧,明年一旦所有成員的法定年齡....到目前為止,他給了他們什麼適合他們的年齡組。BamBam看起來太年輕開頭。這就是為什麼他們沒有“如果你這樣做”,現在...這應該只是一個觸摸方向的標題。雖然,我認為他們將最有可能做兩個概念可愛/快樂與性感/壞蛋。第六天,目前被宣傳為獨立獲得在地下場景識別。他們實際上已經建立了一個名字了。我認為他們最終會得到轉變,從工作室J確定JYPE。就個人而言,我認為他們是JYP的黃金孩子誰是一定要做出令人驚嘆。他們將獲得KPOP球迷在韓國和國際上。同時,他們作風一般將呼籲韓國民眾作為一個整體,兩次.....他們也將是很大的。我不能等待CF交易開始進來。我覺得JYP將在他們明年投資更多。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA 수 잔 ♥•19小時前如果兩次將是大,我擔心的小姐。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達頂級視覺T-阿拉特-ARA•20個小時前錯過任何一個已經到達了所有的少女團體的目標是實現他們的首張年,他們曾於今年波克什只有你和飛/佳/蘇茜的電影做好3個國家連續擔心為自己喜愛的作者1•答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA頂級視覺•20個小時前因此,他們在達到頂峰首次亮相的一年。我明白了,PAK 取決於時機和機會,使他們很幸運,你知道的。大聲笑,如何閩幹什麼?哎呀,我的喜愛是打它比中國任何一個KPOP行為更大。我想我需要擔心。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達頂級視覺T-阿拉特-ARA•20個小時前1.well中國AINT會永遠愛他們的韓流波死亡,它的時間只有一個問題,直到T- ARA回來恨clusterfuck韓國2.exo回來後在同一天,他們....所以IDK的什麼烏爾對有關計時3.she回事品種和歌唱顯示1•答复•分享> 阿凡達來賓紅吸血鬼•22小時前我覺得JYP知道自己在做什麼。像第六天是一筆帶過,所以我覺得JYP正試圖推動對他們的獨立概念,所以他們是不是真的在音樂表演,但更多的表演,在演唱會和音樂節是在有潛力的觀眾將最有可能成為促進。我喜歡JYP犯規如何讓自己的偶像炫耀自己的才華這麼像其他公司怎麼做的。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達李安紅吸血鬼•20個小時前第六天男孩自己說,他們不希望推動音樂表演..Because他們不能發揮他們的儀器住在這些節目...• 答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA•22小時前蘇茜一直JYP的救生圈,而且也沒有提到她?• 答复•分享> 阿凡達客T-阿拉特-ARA•22小時前蘇茜是一個小姐...• 答复•分享> 阿凡達T-阿拉特-ARA客人•22小時前OMG我沒有意識到這一點。/ s的顯然是一個小姐作為一個整體不是一個JYP被掛在他的親愛的生活。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達客T-阿拉特-ARA•22小時前與蘇茜並沒有釋放獨奏作品作為一個歌手無論是。那麼,為什麼他們談論蘇茜作為唱獨角戲?• 答复•分享> 阿凡達seolbabe•天前8。[1259,-170]我看到了人氣歌謠,第一次在10年,很枯燥,多麼的女子偶像團體的概念相似全部都是。清純的外表與校服......你可以看到為什麼還沒有一個女子組合,因為千宗襲擊​​daebak。怎麼樣Sonamoo方舟?我認為Sonamoo頗為相似,兩次...• 答复•分享> 阿凡達IKON CUZ ICAN seolbabe•天前它們漂浮在Nugu土地。可能會解散很快。不是每個人都可以吃櫻桃。3• 答复•分享> 化身它的冷seolbabe•22小時前Sonamoo有壞的視覺效果和平庸的音樂,約櫃平庸的一切,都是無聊。Nugus了。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達Visindahouse•天前JYP做的很好......只有YG做的更好•答复•分享> 阿凡達ShadyWGFacts Visindahouse•14小時前你talkinb兩倍左右出道遠比聖像亮相這就是比較成功的forsure沒有人照顧聖像亮相笑•回复•分享> 阿凡達IKON CUZ ICAN Visindahouse•天前YG和SM是至高無上的神。我買了YG股的最後一個月。• 答复•分享> 頭像客人IKON CUZ ICAN•22小時前這意味著你失去的錢,因為他們的股票後,IKON的首張下跌•答复•分享> 阿凡達IKON CUZ ICAN客人•22小時前好吧,我不會傻到現在賣掉我的股份。我要等到明年左右賣給他們,因為根據預測,股價就上去了至少100%。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達IKON CUZ ICAN•天前另一個有趣的事實:785單曲/ EP /完整的專輯已經發布2015年•答复•分享> 阿凡達Nessy93•天前抱歉,但唯一的藝術家,我從JYP今年喜歡的工作組和第六天。兩次的主打歌並沒有真正地進入了我,讓我們不要談論14:00那disapointing曲目-讓我們回家/或不回家(記不清了)。儘管我很喜歡剛剛從Got7和他們的新歌GGG是不是我喜歡的類型,但我為他們感到高興forwining上顯示坎皮恩。我希望他們改進更是讓我可以聽他們的一些歌曲。至於JYP我覺得他永遠會是三巨頭的組成部分。我的意思是幾乎沒有人能想到他們不假思索JYP。這是不可能的。他們uniq的不足是缺乏推廣。這一點。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達阿伽瑪•在一天前是的,是的,他們可以〜♫的♪• 回复•分享> 阿凡達eruaru•天前兩次是有點像GOT7與更多的國際球迷,我認為。像,說實話,著名的成員是外國人。因此,實事求是地講,這真的很難讓他們頂數字圖表或贏音樂編程的,

結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]


像你說的沒有錯.. got7人無緣無故的恨..祝got7所有成功
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