An AMC research pointed out, around 80% of 2273 adults said they had engaged impulsive purchases over the past year. In the early days, many people had viewed impulse purchasing is a consumer action undertaken without perceived behavioral control which resulting further non-essential expenditures and may even lead to more economical problems; But from retailers’ perspective, impulse buying is considered positively as it brings huge business opportunities. In addition, from consumers’ point of view, the process of being seen with a new purchase will bring them happiness. Therefore impulse purchase shouldn’t be solely treated as completely negative since it can provide positive benefits. With impulsive purchasing related issues are drawing more and more attentions nowadays, people are now having a better understanding about impulse buying behavior. This includes impulsive purchasing phenomenon driven by the traditional environmental stimulus, definition and triggering elements. The occurrence of impulsive purchasing resulted from a sudden and irresistible urge to strong tendency of buying.