CAP is credited by some (typically earlier) plants to meet RG 1.1 in a LOCA. Specifically CAP in a LOCA is credited to ensure that the ECCS pumps have adequate NPSH. LOCA is a DBE. If applicable, the nexus between containment accident pressure (CAP) and the ECCS and containment heat removal pump net positive suction head during a design basis LOCA (DBLOCA) and how an inadvertent opening of the vent valve could have an adverse impact on the operation of those pumps. For an ELAP event a LOCA is not considered and ECCS pumps are not available. The HCVS design should ensure that inadvertent opening of the vent path in a DBE is not credible. The procedures should also address the precautions that should be taken to assure adequate net positive suction head before restarting those pumps upon restoration of onsite or offsite power during an ELAP event.