10 Your answer. We hope you enjoyed this exercise and were blessed by it.
1 a Words and teachings, persons and events, religious system, messianic prophecy
b It quotes words and teachings as the basis for its doctrines. It uses persons and events to illustrate its doctrines. It explains types of Christ found in the religious system. It shows how Christ fulfills messianic prophecy.
c Check your work with the chart. If you do not have anyone to explain it to, imagine you are teaching a class and explain it out loud.
11 a A great high priest, high priest
b Hope as an anchor for the soul
c Confidence to enter the Most Holy Place
d A great priest
e An altar
2 a Seven
b Psalms, Deuteronomy, and 2 Samuel.
12 a The supremacy of Christ
b Your answer. Christ is the only way of salvation. Many are trusting in other things. We need to give Him first place in our lives.
3 Offerings
13 a Supremacy of Christ, Supremacy of the New and Living Way
b Supremacy of Christ 1:1–10:31
c Supremacy of the New and Living Way 10:32–13:25
d Supremacy of His Person and Supremacy of His Priesthood
e Superior Way, Superior Discipline, Superior Life
4 Burnt offering, grain offering, sin offering, guilt offering, ordination offering, fellowship offering. (These may be translated differently in other versions of the Bible.)
14 Your answer. We chose 13:8. It points back to the eternal existence of Christ and forward to His future glory, as well as emphasizes His unchanging character.
5 None. We only have to trust in Jesus Christ and His perfect sacrifice. Are you thankful?
15 a Check your answer with Figure 1.6.
b Check your answer with Figure 1.6.
c Better
6 Hebrews is based on the Gospels’ record of Jesus’ life and work. Without this record, Hebrews’ theme of the supremacy of Christ would be meaningless to us.
16 Contrasts, warnings, exhortations