The atmosphere of the room was generally off. That’s what Ringo first observed upon waking up. The second thing was that George was absent from bed, and the third was strange noises. It sounded like an animal, scratching away at something. Were there rats in the hotel? Whatever it was, it woke him up and that was pretty frustrating. As Ringo grew closer to the kitchen, he noticed a fourth thing. The room smelled like blood, which was very concerning. Ringo’s anger at being woken up was replaced by fear. The sounds were animalistic and guttural. He heard grunting and panting as he approached the kitchen. All he could think of was that a wolf had snuck into their hotel room. Upon seeing George covered in raw meat, he wished he had seen a wolf instead. Empty packages were littered on the floor, torn apart violently. Deep red stains were plastered over George’s white t-shirt, and more were splattered across his face.
The atmosphere of the room was generally off. That’s what Ringo first observed upon waking up. The second thing was that George was absent from bed, and the third was strange noises. It sounded like an animal, scratching away at something. Were there rats in the hotel? Whatever it was, it woke him up and that was pretty frustrating. As Ringo grew closer to the kitchen, he noticed a fourth thing. The room smelled like blood, which was very concerning. <br><br> <br><br>Ringo’s anger at being woken up was replaced by fear. The sounds were animalistic and guttural. He heard grunting and panting as he approached the kitchen. All he could think of was that a wolf had snuck into their hotel room. <br><br> <br><br>Upon seeing George covered in raw meat, he wished he had seen a wolf instead.<br><br> <br><br>空封裝散落在地板上,四分五裂猛烈。深紅色的污漬上貼滿了喬治的白色T卹,和更多的人在他臉上濺。