More, the minimum pressure’s value when the regulation start, could be set continuous from 0 to 200 kPa (or more if required) so, maximal pressure boost may reach 360 kPa. The basic idea of the binary CBV is to control the force developed by the main spring of a classical blow-off valve. Thus, in addition, of the main spring, there are fitted 4 duty springs and each duty spring is driven by an electromagnet. There are not any mechanical or magnetically connections between electromagnets and each electromagnet could be energized separately. When an electromagnet is energized, the correspondent duty spring reduces the main spring effort with a very precisely value. If an electromagnet is not energized, the correspondent spring is not developing any effort on the main spring. The effort developed by the main spring could be set from the external part of the device. To obtain equal steps between all the 16 combinations of the electromagnets, the duty springs rates [N/mm] are designed in geometrically progression. In Figure 6, the correspondent duty spring of the EM4 has the rate two times bigger than the EM3’s duty spring, four times bigger than EM2’s duty spring and eight times bigger than EM1’s duty spring. The rule of the duty springs is chosen only from technological point of view and doesn’t distort the principle of operation. Because the effort developed from each duty spring is different (geometrically progression) the electromagnets could have different dimensions. In Figure 8 is presented the table of electromagnets’ combinations and the correspondent pressure value if we assume that the maximal boost pressure is under 100 kPa and a regulation step is equivalent with 5 kPa.