I recently found some IP application cases (approved by division heads), to wait a very long time before entering into the IP commit for review. Many case over 120 days, some case over 170 days, and two cases even over 260 days. (8 month!)
In order to shorten the waiting time of IP application cases enter into IP commit for review, I would like to set a rule as below
1. IP team need to do the prior search for each IP application case, their standard lead time is 9 week, and I ask IP team to shorten into 7 weeks as their standard lead time.
2. After engineers (IP applicant) get the prior art search information from IP team, they have to give the file (to be presented in IP review commit board) to IP team in 2 weeks.
3. IP team will log the cases to IP review commit when they get the files, and due to we have the review meeting once a month, so there will be another 1~4 weeks waiting time for the meeting arrangement.
4. So, after we apply the rule in item 1~3, in average, the waiting time from the approved the IP application (IP 申請單) till the case enter into IP review commit, will be 12 week, 84 days, or in simple, no longer than 3 month (90 days). This will be our first stage target; The rule can be reviewed few month later.
5. IP team need to send a high light mail to division heads, and copy to me, if someone fail to provide the files as mentioned in item 3, in the said 2 weeks.
In general, IP applicant should be able to prepare 90% of his IP presentation file in parallel when IP team is doing their prior art search, so, 2 week to do the final consolidation with the prior search result should be long enough. He should be accountable to move the case as quick as possible. Once the IP is very valuable, the longer time we wait, the higher risk we have.