Stemming from Baloglu and McCleary’s (1999) call for moreresearch examining destination image formation, scholars havefocused on the role that information sources play in how individualsform an image of a destination (Llodrà-Riera, Martinez-Ruiz,Jimenez-Zarco, & Izquierdo-Yusta, 2015; MacKay & Fesenmaier,2000). In their review, Tasci and Gartner (2007) discussed thecomplexity and longitudinal nature of the formation process andstated: “ . . . it would be impossible to separate the impact of eachpossible cause leading to a positive image change for [the destination]”(p. 414). This quote referenced a 12-year time period, and theauthors agree that over such a long period it is impossible tounderstand what contributed to the destination image formation.However, this should not prevent scholars conducting experimentsthat examine how different variables can impact one’s image of adestination.