We all know how important it is to take care of your body so that you feel well.
Eating healthy foods, exercising and treating illness are all necessary to stay healthy.
However, not many people know how much bad thoughts and feelings can affect your body as well. Sad events can cause stomachache, headaches and tiredness. ave you ever noticed how in times of stress -before a big exam, after a fight with someone, or after an unhappy experience -that you don't"feel"very well? You may not want to eat, or you many eat eat a lot of unhealthy things. You may feel tried, forget things or be unable to think clearly. When we feel angry, our hearts beat faster and our bodies have to spend a lot of energy cooling us down. In fact, people say that a lot of people go to the doctor because they have emotional problems, not problems with their bodies. Now we know that, to feel our best, it is really important to take care of not only our bodies,but also our thoughts and emotions.