Anatta means ‘no self’ and the doctrine of anattà is the Buddha’s most unique and radical teaching. We usually assume that beyond our changing body, mind and experience is an unchanging and unique ego or self. Having identified this self as ‘me’ we then identify other things as ‘mine’ – ‘My spouse’ ‘My property’, ‘My religion’, ‘My country’, etc. This, according to the Buddha, is the cause of much of the distress and pain humans inflict upon themselves and others through greed, fear, ignorance, hatred and self-deception. The Buddha says, ‘Body is not self, feelings are not self, perception is not self, mental constructs are not self and consciousness is not self…When one sees this one becomes detached from these things, being detached the passions fade, when the passions have faded one is free, and being free one knows one is free’ (Samyutta Nikaya 3. 66). One sometimes hears it said that the purpose of Buddhism is to destroy the self. This is not correct simply because there is no self to destroy. The Buddha taught that when the idea of a permanent metaphysical self or soul is seen to be an illusion, then one will cease to suffer and also cease to inflict suffering on others.
The chariot
Anatta means ‘no self’ and the doctrine of anattà is the Buddha’s most unique and radical teaching. We usually assume that beyond our changing body, mind and experience is an unchanging and unique ego or self. Having identified this self as ‘me’ we then identify other things as ‘mine’ – ‘My spouse’ ‘My property’, ‘My religion’, ‘My country’, etc. This, according to the Buddha, is the cause of much of the distress and pain humans inflict upon themselves and others through greed, fear, ignorance, hatred and self-deception. The Buddha says, ‘Body is not self, feelings are not self, perception is not self, mental constructs are not self and consciousness is not self…When one sees this one becomes detached from these things, being detached the passions fade, when the passions have faded one is free, and being free one knows one is free’ (Samyutta Nikaya 3. 66). One sometimes hears it said that the purpose of Buddhism is to destroy the self. This is not correct simply because there is no self to destroy. The Buddha taught that when the idea of a permanent metaphysical self or soul is seen to be an illusion, then one will cease to suffer and also cease to inflict suffering on others.The chariot

Anatta bermaksud 'tiada diri' dan doktrin anatta adalah pengajaran paling unik dan radikal Buddha. Kami biasanya menganggap bahawa di sebalik perubahan badan kita, minda dan pengalaman adalah ego yang tidak berubah dan unik atau bekerja sendiri. Setelah mengenal pasti diri ini sebagai 'saya' kita kemudian mengenal pasti perkara-perkara lain seperti 'saya' - 'kongsi saya' 'harta saya', 'Agama saya', 'Negaraku', dan lain-lain Ini, menurut Buddha, adalah punca banyak kesusahan dan kesakitan manusia mengenakan ke atas diri mereka dan orang lain melalui ketamakan, ketakutan, kejahilan, kebencian dan penipuan diri sendiri. Buddha berkata, 'badan bukan diri, perasaan tidak diri, persepsi tidak sendiri, membina mental tidak diri dan kesedaran tidak sendiri ... Apabila seseorang itu melihat satu ini tertanggal dari perkara-perkara ini, yang terpisah nafsu pudar, apabila nafsu telah pudar satu adalah percuma, dan menjadi satu percuma tahu seseorang bebas '(Samyutta Nikaya 3. 66). Satu kadang-kadang mendengar ia berkata bahawa tujuan agama Buddha adalah untuk memusnahkan diri. Ini tidak betul semata-mata kerana tidak ada diri untuk memusnahkan. Buddha mengatakan apabila idea sendiri metafizik kekal atau jiwa dilihat sebagai ilusi, maka seseorang akan berhenti menderita dan juga berhenti untuk mengenakan penderitaan kepada orang lain.
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