Based on a successful MIT two-day workshop, and built from methods and principlesembedded in a set of tools labelled Dynamic Work Design, this program will providepractical tools and methods for sustainable improvements within the workplace across anyindustry or function.The main purpose of this program is twofold: the first is to help participants understand thenecessity of continuous improvement strategies, and the second is to change the way thatmanagers consider their own work and their roles as leaders within a particular area ofimprovement. In comparison to various alternative improvement methodologies, DynamicWork Design bases its teachings on principles, not practices, allowing integration withcurrent culture, processes, and practices held within individual organizations. Theapproach delivers rapid results, while ensuring little is needed in the way of overhead,training, or the implementation of major initiatives. Participants will learn to identify thevalue-added elements of their own work and of their organization, while discovering waysto identify opportunities for improvement across all departments of their organization