Limitations and Future ResearchAlthough the findings provide sport marketers withsome insight into how they can design advertisingcampaigns for their fans, the limitations of the studyneed to be taken into account when interpreting thedata. Since the authors tested the effectiveness ofemotional, rational, and combination advertising onlyin a United States college football setting (i.e., theTexas Longhorns football team), the generalization ofthe data to other contexts or cultures might be limited.While the authors do not believe that the symbolismassociated with sports is limited to this setting or theUnited States, this assertion does warrant furtherinvestigation. Accordingly, future research shouldseek to test and confirm the relative effectiveness ofthe three advertising appeals identified in this studyacross different contexts (e.g., sports, levels of sport,other college football teams, different age groups).Additionally, the two primers used to test for emotionand rationality (i.e., tradition and stadium) might eachbe accompanied by certain biases within their ownsetting, and future research should insert other brandassociations that could further validate the emotional/rational categorization.