Don’t blame Jamie Schmidt for being skeptical when a man called last week saying he had found a 4-foot-long carp in a drainage ditch in Olathe.
“I was in disbelief when he told me it was 4 feet,” said Schmidt, an animal control officer with the Olathe Police Department. “I know how men like to tell fish stories. I was sure it would be a lot smaller.”
The man did exaggerate a bit — it was only about 31/2 feet long. And it weighed 60 pounds.
“That is a pretty big fish,” Schmidt said.
The man, who lives in the Persimmon Hill subdivision in west Olathe, was out on a walk Friday and found the fish in a ditch near Prairie Center Elementary School at 629 N. Persimmon Drive.
“He located it and gave me a call and wanted to know if we would come out and take care of it for him,” Schmidt said.
Because the fish was so heavy, she wrapped it in trash bags and dragged it to her truck. She used a kennel that lowers to the ground to get it into the truck.
“It wasn’t too hard since it was already dead,” she said. “If it had been alive, it would have been more work.”
The fish is believed to have come from Persimmon Hill Lake inside the subdivision, which is northwest of West Santa Fe Street and North Hedge Lane.
There had been a lot of rain from last week’s storm, so Schmidt said she believed the fish must have been caught in the current as water spilled from the lake.
While Schmidt said she knew the lake is stocked occasionally, she didn’t expect it to house such a large fish.
News of the find started appearing in social media Tuesday morning after the Olathe Police Department posted a picture of Schmidt with the fish on Facebook and Twitter.
“I didn’t realize my summer would be this interesting,” said Schmidt, a school resource officer for the Police Department who has been filling in as an animal control officer while the regular one is on maternity leave.
To reach Robert A. Cronkleton, call 816-234-4261 or send email to
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不要怪杰施密特,被懷疑當一名男子要求上周說,他發現一個4呎長的錦鯉的排水溝渠,奧拉 西.
"我 難以置信的是,他告訴我這是4呎施密特說,一個動物的管制人員在與奧拉西警察署。 他說:「我知道如何男人都喜歡告訴魚故事。 我知道這是一個很 小."
該名男子並夸大一點--這是隻有約31/2英尺長。 它 衡量.
"60 磅,是一個很大魚」,施密特說。
該 名男子,他們生活的柿子山分艙的西奧拉西,是出於一個步行五和找到的魚在一個溝渠附近草原中心小學,629n柿子驅動 器.