Comment:<br>-Initial expectation KPI is 4,166,667 views from 16/03-16/04<br>-However, as the epidemic situation, campaign was pending again in the period of 1/4-23/4. Therefore, the actual running time of the campaign is 16/03-08/05.<br>-The Video implemented in this campaign includes: Video 90 billion, video 100 billion, Video 143 billion, Video 150 billion.<br>-Total views of the 4 videos are 4,262,887 views. Compared to the campaign expectation KPI, the number of KPIS achieved is more. The KPI completion rate is 102.31%.<br>-View Rate of the campaign is relatively good > 45%-> 51% (Youtube Trueview average View Rate is usually 40%-50%) <br><br>* Some notes for the following videos/campaigns:<br>-Because the content of the Video mainly refers to the product in the category restricted Google's Policy-> Therefore, it is necessary to set up review and wait approve in advance. Besides, the videos should run in Unpublish form.<br>-At the same time, during a campaign deployment, restrict video changes so that there is no impact on the running campaign.<br>-When choosing a video's thumbnail, Headline, and Hashtag, choose a restriction containing the word: Jackpot or the product name of the Google restriction policy. -> is approve faster<br>-Because Google is restricting advertisements or content related to Covid 19. As a result, the hashtags and descriptions should avoid using the words associated with Covid disease 19.