The part one of the Metamorphosis is about a man named Gregor Samsa who found that he transformed a huge flea in the morning. He saw his body change the curved brown belly, and he had a lot of little and thin legs. He thought that he was dreaming, and thought that if he just slept for a moment. Everything could recover, he was still a human. Unfortunately, he couldn’t turn his body over the right side, he could only appear the pose of lie on his back. He felt a little pain and stopped trying to turn over his body.
Then Gregor saw his alarm clock hand turn at five thirty, he started to worry that the clerk didn’t see him arrive at the station. The clerk would report it to the boss, and the boss may fetch the doctor to his home. The boss would ask his parents why he didn’t catch the train on time. When he thought these things, his mother was calling to him and saying that why he didn’t depart to go to work. He found that his voice become different when he replied to his mother. Although his voice didn’t change a lot, it mixed another voice like the muffled insect’s voice. Meanwhile, his father and his sister called and asked what wrong with him. After he replied them, he tried to get up. He couldn’t control his body easily because he didn’t have the hands. He just only had many of his small legs.