We need missionary churches and missionary leaders. We need pastoral leaders who understand this culture with deep pathos and and who know the power of gospel well enough to create redemptive congregations.
Many Christians will reject this vision for the church and its ministry. They will prefer comfort over engagement with our world. There is, however, a growing cadre of pastors and leaders who are willing to take the times seriously in the name of Christ.
Some of the enlistees in this new force for God surprise me. Russell is retirement age. He is as traditional, in the best sense of that term, as any Christian I know. He called me recently to encourage me. He told me that he was glad that I am his pastor because I haven’t let him be comfortable. “I’d prefer being comfortable,” he said, “but you’ve forced me and the church to face the needs of the nineties. That’s hard for me, but thank you.”
Russell is a man of Issachar’s tribe. He knows the times and wants to do something about them.