We use the number of M&As and the value of M&As (Sanders & Hambrick, 2007; Shi, Hoskisson, & Zhang, 2017) to measure M&A intensity. We constrain the sample to deals with a transaction value over $1 million (Moeller, Schlingemann, & Stulz, 2005) so that our sample includes only meaningful transactions from the acquirer’s perspective. Consistent with prior research (Iyer & Miller, 2008; Wang & Xie, 2009), we exclude M&As with missing transaction values. In addition, we require a deal should be in the form of “acquisition of majority interests,” “acquisitions of assets,” “acquisitions” or “mergers” based on SDC’s classification. Number of M&As is measured as the total number of majority-ownership M&As announced in a year, which will have been completed subsequently, as reported in SDC data. Our results are similar if we count deals with missing transaction values in measuring the number of M&As. Value of M&As is measured as the total transaction value of these M&As in a year. Firm years with no M&As receive a value of “0” for both the number and the value of M&As.