8 Does Scripture support the fact that a degree of self-love may be desirable? Explain.
The Old Testament (Leviticus19:18) states that one should love his neighbor “as himself,” indicating that self-love is present. Also, Jesus repeats this premise (Matthew 22:37-40), as does Paul (Romans 13:9).
9 Name some of the ways that Christians unwittingly engage in self-abuse.
Harmful eating habits, driving without fastened seat belts, disregard of speed limits, engaging in vigorous recreation without sensible safeguards, refusing to take care of a serious injury, discontinuing prescribed medicine, etc.
10. Secular ethicists such as Ayn Rand forward what rather unscriptural definition of the purpose of morality?
The statement is that the purpose of morality is to teach one “to enjoy himself and to live.”
11 What is the essential requirement in the makeup of the person who, like Christ, wants to be known as “a friend of sinners?”
He must live an exemplary life among them.