Dear Customer,
Thank you for using HSBC's eStatement and eAdvice Service. The latest eStatement(s) for your company’s below account(s) is/are now available:
You can view this/these eStatement(s) by logging on to Business Internet Banking. Please save and retain a copy of this/these eStatement(s) for your future references.
Important Notes: This email will be sent to your designated email address as soon as the latest eStatement(s) is/are available at Business Internet Banking. Please check your eStatement(s) promptly to avoid incurring additional fees or charges for late payments and report any errors or discrepancies to the Bank.
Please update your email address via Business Internet Banking where applicable. If you have any enquiries on managing eStatements and eAdvices, please call our Commercial Banking Service Hotline at (852) 2748 8288.
Thank you for your support to the environment.
Yours faithfully,
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.