The elements were collated under (1) packaging type, (2) branding, (3) information content, and (4) flavor. Packaging type explored sub- strates, shapes, windows and material types. The resulting branding el- ements assessed patterns, textures, color counts, reflective intensities, transparencies, font styles, and product imagery. Information content consisted of logo, name and slogan, product callouts, ingredients, country of origin, nutrition information, manufacturing address, expiry date, and barcode/serial number, based on common Australian packaging designs. Chocolate flavors and fillings available from the market were investi- gated and grouped into higher levels of milk chocolate (every day), dark chocolate (special, healthy), flavor enhancements (bold), fill inclusions (fun), and multi-layered (premium). The elements tested under the flavor groups were allied with both the six categories and the market groups identified on supermarket shelf in Australia.