NICE AND EASYAnother market segment views fast food as an easy option for food. These consumers arenot necessarily lazy, but are not always in the mood to grocery shop and cook. They areconsumers that don’t tend to pre-plan their weekly meals, so a fast food solution isattractive to them at times.They are not overly price sensitive as they see value in the convenience and the timesaving.PRESSED FOR TIMEThis example market segment is quite time poor, either in general or at a particular point intime. Their preference is NOT to consume fast food, but it may be a necessity at times. Forexample, if they have worked back late, or they are on a holiday road trip, or they arehaving a particularly busy day in general. In simple terms, these consumers are attractedto the “fast” part of fast food.REAL MEALThis segment of consumers is seeking the convenience benefits of fast food, but they arelooking for a relatively healthy food option as well. As consumers they would be lighterusers of fast food and more willing to cook at home or take the time to eat at more formalrestaurants.