Offer Incomplete offer and documents required with bid Supplier to submit the all the preliminary documents i.e. datasheet, General arrangement drawing of transformer and RTCC panel, type test certificate (similar to Generator transformer application & rating), subvendor list, PDO past project reference list etc. alongwith the offer.Offer Generator Transformer offer "Bidder to please note that only ffer for 15 /134.5 kV, 125/165 MVA, Ynd1 Generator Transformer shall be evaluated under this package requisition.Offer for 10MVA, 2.5 & 2 MVA transformers shall not be considered as a part of scope of supply."Material Requisition Compliance statement "Bidder to confirm compliance with the requirements of Material requisition, Data Sheets, Project specifications, Project Standard Drawings, Company Specifications, Company Standard Drawings, Shell DEPs (Version-40), Company Standards (SP, PR, GU version as per GU611 23b), Shell MESC Specifications (Version-13E), International Codes and Standards etc. referred in MR and the documents attached with BC-1.In case of non-compliance, Bidder shall include in the Deviation list provided. In case of ""No Deviation""- Bidder shall specify No Deviation & it shall be dully signed and stamped by bidder.If no other deviation is raised contractor will consider it as a acceptance to all standards and datsheet reuqirement as mentioned in the requisition of transformer.Supplier to confirm."General Technical data Supplier to fill in all the yellow highlighted field in the Annexure-1 against each technical details for generator transformer.General NPV calculation Bidder to please submit the NPV calculation as per the Annexure-2 attached.General Revised Attachments "Bidder to please find attached the revised Transformer specification , datasheet and revised snapshot of transforme protection SLD.Bidder to update the offer in compliance with above documents."General FPD & ORA compliance Supplier to please provide the compliance for FPD annexure & OR&A as attached with this bid clarification.General VDRL and VQRF compliance Supplier to please provide the compliance for the VDRL and VQRF attachments.Deviations list, No.1 All factory test will perform in 60HZ and use formula to convert to 50HZ Noted. However, same shall be dicussed during bid clarification meeting.Deviations list, No.2 Does not include short circuit test Bidder to please submit the short circuit type test certificate performed for the similar type & rating of transformer. Also, during detail engineering stage short circuit calculation shall be provided by the bidder.Deviations list, No.3 Does not include spare parts. "Suppllier to please provide the details about the (1) special tools and tackles list, (2) recommended spares and parts list, (3) 2 years operational spares parts list, (4) list of Spare Parts for Installation, Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Start-Up alongwith the bid."Deviations list, No.4 Over two years warranty will need to purchase warranty from FE Noted. Supplier to please provide optional cost for the extended warranty.Deviations list, No.5 and specification of transformer cl no. 4 Connection Dyn1 with specification for power & distribution transformer Chapter 26YNd1 against "Supplier to please note that the vector group of the transformer shall be Ynd1 i.e. Y on 132kV side and D on 15kV side. Accordingly, supplier to please correct the specification of transformer document."Deviations list, No.6 TR oil and winding temperature not specifily Supplier to please note that transformer oil shall be 'NYNAS NITRO 10XN'. Supplier to confirm.Specification for transformer cl no.5 Design temperature "Supplier to please note that power transformer & associated equipment shall be designed for the ambient temperature of 55 deg C for continuous and 60 deg C for 2 hours.And RTCC panel shall be suitable for 40 deg C continuous and 50 deg C for 8 hours.Supplier to confirm."General I/O List Supplier to confirm to the I/O list as per the attachment -4 .General Sunshade "Supplier to please provide sunshade for the all the panels mounted on the transformer or near transformer.Supplier to confirm."