Up to now, scientific data has reflected a lack of papers dealing withelectrochemical determination of TB. It is due to the fact that the mostanalysts/electrochemistshave been predominantly made effort on de-termination of structurally related methylxanthines such as caffeine andtheophylline. Herein, a miniaturized BDDE is proposed for thefirst timeas a progressive electrochemical sensor for quantification of TB. Onewell-defined, irreversible and diffusion-controlled oxidation peak of TBwas observed using CV at +1.2 V in the presence of 0.1 M H2SO4assupporting electrolyte. Utilizing the optimized instrumental para-meters, the proposed voltammetric protocol was validated using bothpulse techniques with the essential analytical parameters involving LODat submicromolar concentration levels, linear concentration range of0.99–54.5μM and intra-day repeatability with RSD values lower than3%. The selectivity of the method was also appeared to be reasonable.The usefulness of the proposed protocol was verified in analysis of sixchocolate food products.