Dear Annemarie,
We are sorry to inform you that due to the fabric problem, we need to re-make all the bulk fabrics, as this processing need to spend 4 weeks, can you possible to extend the delivery the delivery date in mid of July? Pls advise ! Thank you very much !
In addition, we have a order of the promo web bag is same delivery on mid of July, whether it is possible to arrange the delivery together?
Joby Chan
Tel : (852) 2173 2262
安娜 瑪麗,
親愛我們遺憾地通知你,由於結構問題,我們需要重新作出一切的大量面料加工,因為這需要花費4個星期,可你可能擴大的交付的交貨日期的七月中旬呢? pls提醒! 感謝你非常 !
此外 ,我們有一個命令的宣傳網袋是同一服務的七月中旬,是否有可能在一起安排 提供?
joby 陳
電話:(852)2173 2262