The order and procedures for formulating, appraising and approving 1:500-scale detailed construction plans comply with the law on construction planning and these plans shall be publicized under Article 81 of this Decree.
3. Housing development projects must conform to local land use, urban construction and rural residential area master plans, urban designs and housing development programs in each period and satisfy housing development requirements specified in Articles 24, 25 and 26 of the Housing Law.
4. The designing of houses in housing development projects must conform to construction regulations and standards and designing standards of condominiums, detached houses and villas provided in the Housing Law and this Decree.
5. For housing area development projects, technical and social infrastructure systems must be completely built. For independent housing development projects, the connection to common technical infrastructure systems of the region must be ensured.
6. A housing development project dossier must contain explanations and basic designs made according to Article 6 of this Decree.
Article 6.
Contents of housing development project dossiers
1. A housing development project dossier must contain:
a/ Project explanations:
- The name of the project;
- The necessity and legal grounds of the project;
- Objectives and form of investment; construction location; size of the project; land use demand; natural conditions of the project area;
- Implementation solutions: plans on compensation for ground clearance and resettlement (if any); plan on use of construction technologies; construction regulations and standards applicable to the project; environmental impact assessment; plan on fire prevention and fighting; solutions to building and connecting technical infrastructure works to the region's common technical infrastructure; accessibility to the region's social infrastructure;
- Public parking area and parking area for vehicles (including bicycles, wheelchairs for the disabled, motorbikes and automobiles) of households
該項命令和程序的制訂、評價和核可1:500-規模詳細建筑計劃遵守該法對建設規劃和這些計劃須公布根據第81條,這項 法令.
3 。 房屋發展項目必須符合當地土地使用、城市建設和農村住宅地區總計劃,城市設計和住房發展方案在每一個時期,以滿足住房發展規定在第24、25、26《住房法 》.
4 。 設計的房屋在房屋發展項目必須符合建筑法規和標准和設計標准的公寓,提供獨立的房屋和公寓的《住房法》和本 法令.
5 。對住房地區發展項目、技術和社會的基礎設施系統必須完全建立。 獨立的房屋發展項目的連接,以共同的技術基礎設施系統,必須確保該 地區.
6 。 一個房屋發展項目檔案必須載有解釋和基本設計作出根據本法令第6條第6 條.
1。 一個房屋發展項目檔案必須 包含:
- 解釋的姓名或名稱的必要性和法律 理由;
- 項目的目標和形式的投資 項目;
- ;興建地點;大小的項目;土地使用的需求;自然條件的領域的 項目;
- 執行辦法:計劃在賠償地面清拆和重新安置(如有的話);計劃對使用的建筑技術;建筑法規和標准適用於項目;環境影響評估;計劃對防火和戰斗;解決辦法,建設和連接技術基礎設施工程,該地區的共同技術基礎設施;使用方便程度,該地區的社會基礎 設施;
- 公眾泊車區和泊車區內的車輛(包括輪椅單車、傷殘人士、汽車、摩托車、汽車)的家庭