Impedance cardiography (阻抗心動描記術)(ICG) permits noninvasive beat-to-beat determination of cardiac output, the product of the amplitude of the first derivative of thoracic impedance signal (dZ/dt), the ventricular ejection time, and heart rate corrected by the distance between the measuring electrodes. Its use is based on: (1) the dZ/dt signal that originates from the upper thorax; (2) the ventricular ejection period measured by the dZ/dt curve that occurs between the opening and closing of the aortic valve; (3) the dZ/dt curve is similar in morphology and timing to the aortic flow curve measured by an electromagnetic flowmefer with a significant linear correlation (r = 0.9) between dZ/dt and peak aortic flow; (4) similarity of the linear correlation between stroke volume, determined by the flowmeter and the impedance signal; and (5) significant reduction of the dZ/dt signal by 90% follows simultaneous occlusion of the aorta and the pulmonary artery.