Figure 4. Photovoltaic behaviors in dual-function devices.Circle, square, and triangle symbols represent the devicesshowing cyan, magenta, and yellow colors, respectively.JV plots of dual-function devices. All data were measuredatAM1.5 G with an intensity of 100mWcm2. Average solarcell characteristics such as short circuit current density (Jsc),open circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF), and power conversionefficiency (PCE) are summarized as follows: cyan(Jsc = 5.28 mA cm2, Voc = 0.51 V, FF = 57.5%, PCE = 1.55%);magenta (Jsc = 5.04mAcm2, Voc = 0.49 V, FF = 33.1%, PCE =0.82%); yellow (Jsc = 3.98 mA cm2, Voc = 0.48 V, FF = 31.2%,PCE = 0.60%). The inset image is a schematic of a dualfunctiondevice showing photovoltaic property.