I believe that personal satisifacation,through giving,and providing yo的中文翻譯

I believe that personal satisifacat

I believe that personal satisifacation,through giving,and providing your best effort,has a greater and more rewarding outcome over gaining wealth or fame. This is evident through many public exampales of people who are known to our society,as ‘‘celebrities ’’stooping to a standard of dug reliance and materialism. It seems to me that people who have achieved the money and achievedthe fame are never quire satisfied with themselves or the situation they are in. Although many people are based on financial stature, there are also many groups or individuals that are based on goals more helpful to our society as a whole.
To me ,people who do not think of what benefits or rewards they will reap are truly the ones obtaining the most righteous self-achievement.Through their actions and beliefs,I undoubtedly believe that these people are gaining the happiness and fulfillment that even the richest or most famous people wish they had.When you go into a project or any type of action not expecting anything back,the things you do will be paid back to you ten-fold in the grand scheme of things.Doing that action,or job,or project,whatever it may be,to the best of your ability will give you a sense of accomplishment like no other because of the amount of effort and giving you put forth.It is too bad people or groups like this are not recognized as much as a person who wins a game show or is in a movie
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
我相信那个人的 satisifacation,使,并提供了你最大的努力,通过了获得财富或名声更大和更有价值的成果。这是明显的人被称为对我们的社会,很多公共 exampales 通过 '名人' 屈尊于挖依赖和唯物主义的标准。取得了这笔钱的人看来,achievedthe 成名从来都不满意他们自己或他们所处的状况的小册子。虽然很多人都基于金融地位,也有很多团体或个人,都基于更有利于我们的社会作为一个整体的目标。对我来说,不会考虑什么好处或奖励他们将收获的人是真正的取得最正义的自我成就。通过他们的行动和信仰,我无疑相信这些人都获得快乐和满足,即使最富有或最著名的人希望他们能有。当你走进一个项目或任何类型的操作不期待任何回报,你做将支付回来给你的东西在事情的宏伟计划十倍。做该动作,或工作或项目,不管它可能是,至尽你的能力会给你一种成就感没有像其他因为大量的努力和给你提出。它是太坏的人或团体这样不被像赢得一个游戏节目或电影中的人一样
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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