The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In the next section, we define the scope and process of our search of the literature resulting in a database of 362 previous papers utilized for this article. We also define the three selected classes of research methodologies and their distinctions, as well as the six selected research domains, that is, areas of study that include constructs, theories, and procedures (MacInnis, 2011), for example, power-dependence research, that have prominently figured in channels research. Subsequently, in the next three sections, we document the progress in knowledge and understanding with respect to the selected research domains using conceptual, empirical, and microeconomics model-based approaches. Each of these sections includes a discussion of the key contributions as well as perceived shortcomings of research to date using that methodology, and concludes with some potential directions for future research. In the last section of the paper, we offer a more integrative discussion of the state of channels research methodologies and insights they have produced and, with the help of several personal interviews with academic experts in the field, we high-light new questions and opportunities for research combining different methodologies.