Steven M. Dortch 906 PALOS VERDES DR, LAKEWAY, TEXAS 78734 512-494-4918(H)-925-786-1728(C)
i have worked in the utitily field for more than 20yrs. In California I worked as a project manager for a consulting business. My specialty was in data collection. I was responsible for all projects west of the Rocky Mts.and Hawaii.
I workedv for the City of Palo Alto Utilities Dept. I was hired as the Supervisor of their Phone Center. They were in the beginnings of a conversion from their legacy billing system to a new relational data system which I had gained significant experience in my previous job. Within a few months I was assigned to the conversion team who had just begun some elementary training on relational data bases. Within six months I was given the project lead, and the project met all the key milestones and was completed nearly 40 days before its deadline.
Primary point of contact for the migration vendor
Perform multi-functional tasks with minimal supervision.
Successfully dealt venders
Negotiated contracts with unions
Have demonstrated sound business judgment in often chaotic situations.
Exhibits excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Has broad-based business experience with emphasis on negotiating and cost and price analysis.
Have experience with both Government and or commercials contracts.
Strong interpersonal abilities.
Strong understandings of data based management techniques and have built relational data base applications for specialized billing.
Excellent personal computer skills, Microsoft Suite of programs.
Steven M. Dortch