我很開心你終於來看我了, 無意間,我檢查了歷史, 才發現原來你似乎每年此時都會來...
這一次, 你帶我去看你的演說, 你的演說是如此激勵人心, 每一個人都感動稱讚, 我真是為你感的驕傲與光榮
你走下舞台, 走到了我的身旁, 我尷尬與害羞的不知如何是好, 你深深的擁抱我和親吻我的臉頰, 我在你的懷中感受著你的呼吸與溫度, 這一刻, 我知道我們不再生氣對方了, 我們的心是深愛著彼此...永遠
I'm glad you finally came to see me, by accident, I checked the history, I realized that... to find that you seem to come every year at this time...
This time, you took me to see your speeches, your speech is so inspiring, everyone moved to praise, I am really for you the sense of pride and glory...
You walked off the stage and walked to my side, I'm shy, embarrassed and don't know how to be good, you hug me kiss me on the cheek, in your arms I feel you breathing and temperature, at this moment, which I knew we no longer angry each other, our hearts are in love with each other... Forever