ne of the purposes of the Bologna process in Europe is to assure quality in higher
education institutions. The development of quality culture, which is part of organizational culture,
is one of the ways how quality in higher education institutions can be assured. However, if we want
to develop quality culture in higher education, primarily we need to evaluate the quality culture in
order to know how strong it is in a higher education institution and which parts of quality culture
we need to improve. But it is diffilt to evaluate quality culture, because there is still lack of research on this topic in education, psychology and management research literature and the defiition of quality culture itself is not clear. This article aims at defiing the concept of organizational culture quality and substantiating quality culture dimensions and criteria, comparing the European and the USA conceptions of quality culture. There were eight quality culture dimensions set in this article, providing criteria to all these dimensions: 1) human resource management, 2) leadership, 3) quality implementation, 4) organization attitude to change, 5) institutional quality evaluation, 6) orientationto customer, 7) decision making and 8) strategic planning dimensions. The dimensions and criteria identifid in this article can be used in building quality culture measurement instruments in higher education institutions, which would allow comparing and assessing quality culture in diffrent higher education institutions.