We received 2 orders from you, Pord30126, CPY1-116X4001-MA0 X300Pord30853, HSC1-116003-MA0 X60It seemed that CPY1-116X4001-MA0 is more light than the other part, and I compared with the Sample 2, which you sent us last time and we use it as the std sample, the △E is from 3.1 to 3.9, HSC1-116003-MA0 is around 2.8 /2.9.Pord30853, HSC1-116003-MA0 is matched with the same part that we received last time, close to sample 2, now I am worried about the 100x HLD1-116001-MA0 you are working on. Do you use sample 2 as the same std for those three parts? CPY1-116X4001-MA0, HSC1-116003-MA0 and HLD1-116001-MA0 ‘s finish should be the same.Which finish is easy for you to keep stable?