ExtrabiomesXL is a collaborative open source mod for Minecraft which adds new biomes and an assortment of natural blocks and items that enhance gameplay and make exploring fun and interesting. Keep up-to-date on the latest development news and general interest regarding ExtrabiomesXL on http://extrabiomes.com/. The official ExtrabiomesXL wiki is the best place to read any kind of information regarding ExtrabiomesXL.
ExtrabiomesXL 3.16.2 was tested using Minecraft Forge, which can be found here.
•Recommended - ExtrabiomesXL Universal 3.16.2 for MC 1.7.10
•ExtrabiomesXL Universal 3.14.1 backported to MC 1.5.2
Spoiler (click to show)
•Google Drive folder of all ExtrabiomesXL versions
Installation ExtrabiomesXL is delivered in a single universal download which can be installed on clients and servers alike.
1.Install Minecraft Forge
2.Drag the ExtrabiomesXL download into the mods folder (Don't unarchive it)
Resource Pack Support A list of resource packs and texture packs which support ExtrabiomesXL can be found on our wiki. We can't guarantee all of these will be up-to-date, however.
Additional Content
ExtrabiomesXL team member gwydion0917 has utilized Custom Stuff 2 to add special red rock versions of furnaces, buttons, pressure plates, etc. It can be found here.
The changlog can be found on our Wiki.
•EsperNet IRC: #Extrabiomes
•Blog: http://extrabiomes.com/
•ExtrabiomesXL on Twitter: @ExtrabiomesXL
Localization ExtrabiomesXL is currently available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Swedish.As ExtrabiomesXL updates with new content, however, we can't guarantee these localizations will remain up-to-date. We'd greatly appreciate any assistance in ensuring all of ExtrabiomesXL's localizations are up-to-date and accurate. A list of the localization files can be found here. Always feel free to add new languages! Our localizations are done by hand, by speakers of the select language for utmost quality, so please no Google Translate. Thank you!
You are free to distribute ExtrabiomesXL in your modpack, so long as it's not being used to make money.Credits
•Original mod by MisterFiber
•Development, design, quality control, and artwork by the ExtrabiomesXL team
•Plenty additional contributions by open source contributors
Support If you have any problems or questions, please ask in the forum. Be advised, however, that we can never diagnose or fix anything without a complete log file. You should post your complete log (ForgeModLoader-0.log, or ForgeModLoader-client-0.log) on pastebin (or any other similar text sharing service) and then post a link to it here in the forum. The community around this thread likes solving support issues and the most important step you can take is posting your complete log file. Any support requests should be handled publicly where everyone can benefit. Please do not PM the team members with support requests!
Note: Failure to post complete log files using the directions outlined above severely reduces the likelihood that you will achieve a successful outcome to your support your support issue. How to receive support if you do not have a crash report. In the event that Minecraft didn't crash and you did not get a crash report, don't worry. Crash reports are not helpful or wanted. To receive support for your issue, post a complete log by following the above instructions.
A list of frequently asked questions is available on our Wiki.
Spoiler (click to show)
Spoiler (click to show)
Signature Banners
Show your support for ExtrabiomesXL with one of our community made banners available from the wiki!
ExtrabiomesXLExtrabiomesXL 是協作開放源碼的 mod 為遊戲增加了新的生物群落和各式各樣的自然塊和專案提高遊戲的可玩性,讓探索的樂趣和有趣。保持最新的最新發展新聞和一般的利息 HTTP://extrabiomes.com/ 關於 ExtrabiomesXL。官方的 ExtrabiomesXL wiki 是資訊的最好的地方,讀任何種類的關於 ExtrabiomesXL。前提條件ExtrabiomesXL 3.16.2 測試使用 Minecraft 鍛造,可以在這裡找到。下載•Recommended-ExtrabiomesXL 通用 3.16.2 MC 1.7.10對 MC 1.5.2 普遍 3.14.1 •ExtrabiomesXL backported擾流板 (點擊顯示)•Google 磁碟機資料夾中的所有 ExtrabiomesXL 版本單一的通用下載,可以安裝在用戶端和伺服器都提供安裝 ExtrabiomesXL。1.安裝 Minecraft 鍛造2.將 ExtrabiomesXL 下載拖入 mods 資料夾 (不 unarchive)3.Enjoy!資源包和紋理包支援 ExtrabiomesXL 的資源包支援 A 清單可以在我們的 wiki 上發現。我們不能保證所有這些將是最新的但是。其他內容ExtrabiomesXL 團隊成員 gwydion0917 已利用自訂的東西 2 添加特殊的紅色岩石版本的爐、 按鈕、 壓力板等。它可以在這裡找到。更新日誌Changlog 可以在我們的 Wiki 上發現。社區•EsperNet IRC: #Extrabiomes•Blog: http://extrabiomes.com/•ExtrabiomesXL on Twitter: @ExtrabiomesXLLocalization ExtrabiomesXL is currently available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Swedish.As ExtrabiomesXL updates with new content, however, we can't guarantee these localizations will remain up-to-date. We'd greatly appreciate any assistance in ensuring all of ExtrabiomesXL's localizations are up-to-date and accurate. A list of the localization files can be found here. Always feel free to add new languages! Our localizations are done by hand, by speakers of the select language for utmost quality, so please no Google Translate. Thank you!Modpacks You are free to distribute ExtrabiomesXL in your modpack, so long as it's not being used to make money.Credits•Original mod by MisterFiber•Development, design, quality control, and artwork by the ExtrabiomesXL team•Plenty additional contributions by open source contributors支援如果您有任何問題或疑問,請在論壇。注意,然而,我們永遠不可以診斷或修復任何沒有完整的日誌檔。你應該把你完整的日誌 (ForgeModLoader-0.log 或 ForgeModLoader-用戶端-0.log) 貼 pastebin (或共用服務的任何其他類似的文本),然後在論壇發佈一個連結到它在這裡。此執行緒周圍的社區喜歡解決支援問題,你可以採取的最重要的步驟張貼您完整的日誌檔。任何支援請求應處理公開在那裡每個人都可以受益。請 PM 不支援請求的團隊成員!注: 未能發佈完整的日誌檔使用上述嚴重的方向降低了,你將取得成功的結局對您的支援您的支援問題的可能性。如何獲得支援,如果你還沒有崩潰報告。如果在 Minecraft 沒有崩潰,你得不到崩潰報告,別擔心。崩潰報告不樂於助人,也不想要。若要接收您的問題的支援,按照上面的說明發佈完整的日誌。常見問題常見問題清單是在我們的 Wiki 上可用。螢幕截圖擾流板 (點擊顯示)視頻擾流板 (點擊顯示)簽名橫幅從 wiki 可橫幅我們社區之一顯示你對 ExtrabiomesXL 的支援!

extrabiomesxl 是一個協作開放源代碼,國防部minecraft增添了新的各式各樣的自然生物群落和樓宇和項目,提高游戲和作出探討有趣和有趣。 保持了新的最新發展的新聞和一般利益,就關於extrabiomesxl http://extrabiomes.com/.正式 extrabiomesxl wiki是最佳地點,讀取任何種類的資料就 extrabiomesxl.
extrabiomesxl3.16.2是檢測minecraft形成10.13.2.1291,可以在這裡找 到.
下 載
建議 -extrabiomesxl普遍3.16.2,MC 1.7.10
extrabiomesxl 普遍3.14.1可以,MC 1.5.2
破壞 者卻(單擊 顯示)
Google驅動器文件夾中的所有extrabiomesxl版本安裝 extrabiomesxl
交付 是在一個單一普遍下載,可以安裝在客戶端和服務器 都.
1 .安裝minecraft形成
2.拖入mods extrabiomesxl下載文件夾(不要unarchive它 享有!
3 .