In the world where consumers have vast number of choices, one way that companies normally use to achieve product differentia- tion is through advertising (Tremblay and Polasky, 2002). Among all advertising campaigns, celebrity endorsement is very popular and widely adopted (Erdogan et al., 2001; Mehulkumar, 2005) for almost any type of product or service available (Doss, 2011). In the US, about 25 percent of the advertisements are endorsed by ce- lebrities (Agrawal and Kamakura, 1995; Shimp, 2000). Spice Girls contributed a 2% global market share increase for Pepsi (Advertising Age International, 1997). Although Michael Jackson eventually turned out to be a disaster for Pepsi, Michael Jackson's campaign had allowed the company to acquire an 8% increase in sales in 1984 (Gabor et al., 1987). Based on academic findings (Atkin and Block, 1983; Petty et al., 1983) and company reports, it is safe to argue that celebrity endorsers are more effective than non- celebrity endorsers in generating all desirable outcomes when companies utilize celebrities whose public personas match the products and target audiences.