Use behavior was rarely included in previous UTAUT studies due to a lack of consensus upon how the construct should be measured (Botero et al., 2019). Generally, objective and subjective measures can be undertaken (Agudo-Peregrina, Hern�andez-García, & Pascual-Miguel, 2014). The former involves the recording of real-time usage of the technology/system, such as data from system logs, number of logins, and number of system interactions. The latter, by contrast, refers to users’ self-reported usage of technology, which may be subject to response bias. Given that the use of mobile devices for language learning may happen in the classroom as well as in the students’ personal learning domains where access to real-time data is limited, the current study measured the use behavior by students’ self-reported usage of mobile devices for language learning. The next section expounds on the study’s research methods and data analytic procedure.