Cutting Fluids (22.12)• Cutting fluids is used to:1. Reduce friction and wear (減少摩擦與磨耗)2. Cool the cutting zone (冷卻切削區)3. Reduce forces and energy consumption4. Flush away (沖走) the chips from the cutting zone5. Protect the machined surface from environmental corrosion(環境腐蝕)6. 防止刀口產生BUE,增加刀具壽命及改善工件表面品質7. 不易揮發,不起泡沫,著火點高,不易起火燃燒• Depending on the type of machining operation, a coolant(冷卻劑), a lubricant (潤滑劑), or both are used• Effectiveness of cutting fluids depends on type of machiningoperation, tool and workpiece materials and cutting speed