Assignment Grade% Points Worth/ Mode of Assessment Explanation of Assignment
Survey 2 20 points possible Take this survey in the first week of class to create a
snapshot of the online student community
Discussion Post
18 180 points possible- Each week there
is a discussion one. For each
discussion one post 30 points are
possible. Rubric used to assess this
Each week you post two paragraphs (7+ sentences each
paragraph) in response to two discussion questions
regarding class material in discussion one. Please read
and follow directions of the discussion one prompt as
the prompts change each week. ONE POST ONLY FOR
Discussion Post
6 60 points possible- Each week there
is a discussion post two requiring
you to post twice each post a
response to one of your peers. For
each discussion two post 5 points are
possible. Each post must fulfill the
requirements to earn 5 points.
After the initial discussion one post is done, student
reads through peers’ responses to discussion one and
responds to two peers in two posts. Requirements:
two posts- one paragraph each post. One post respond
to one peer. Second post respond to second peer. Please
include the peer’s name you are responding to. Each
response must be one paragraph of 7+ sentences. TWO
Weeks 2-6
Media Reports
30 300 points possible You have lots of media to view and pdfs to read to help
you organize all the dance you will be viewing. Each
week you will have a five question media report
assignment. Make sure you take notes during the video
and refer to the pdfs of Dr. Roses-Thema to help you
bring each week’s ideas together.
10 100 points possible; 50 points for
each learning opportunity
Your instructor will create two learning opportunity
assignments custom designed for your class.
Expression of
15 150 points possible- 15 points
possible for each of the 10 questions
The expression of knowledge assignment covers the
entire course. Student will have the entire final week to
study and take the quiz by the final day of classes. A
study guide will be provided.
Viewing of Live
4 40 points possible for viewing a live
dance performance
Requirements: Picture of student at performance with
ticket and program in hand followed by posting on Live
Performance discussion. Please find and read the
instructions for what you need to post on the Live
Performance Discussion Board.
Creative Project &
Peer Response
15 150 total possible for 5 slide
PPT/prezi; 100 points for creative
project and 50 points for peer
Rubric to be used for assessment
Directions will be provided in week 4 for this project.
Student will create project and participate in one final
peer discussion commenting on peer projects.