Clara had broken a shoelace. Her favourite navy-blue tights had ripped in an uncomfortable private place. The holiday she'd had planned with the Doctor had been delayed due to maintenance that began as preventive and rapidly degenerated into emergency, with Clara and a book parked beside the Doctor to hand him microspanners and elastic bands while she prepared for her next lesson.
And then Missy had turned up.
That woman had murdered one man Clara loved, and given the other one the power to murder everyone else. Okay, technically that woman hadn't murdered Danny (unless she'd arranged for that car, cut its brakes, distracted Danny as he crossed the street), but what she'd done was as good as killing him again.
And the Doctor was that woman's friend. Had been since they were children together on Gallifrey, running and playing with tin TARDISes or whatever toys little Time Lords had. She'd kissed him. With tongue. And he'd kissed her back. Twice.
And he'd killed her, too, or so it had seemed, though somehow it hadn't taken. Missy had sauntered into the TARDIS this afternoon – "Hope you don't mind, but I let myself in. Spare key above the 'X,' bless" – and then the arguments began. Gallifrey and where is it and you just didn't look hard enough and you must let me have some fun until Clara was shouting at both of them that she wouldn't have that woman on board while she was here and longtime friendship or not, how could he stand to be around someone who'd done something so awful simply to get what she wanted out of him?
"Clara," the Doctor had said quietly, "you know the answer to that question."
So out she'd stomped, grabbed a cup of tea at the nearest café, flipped through the pages of the Mirror the last patron had abandoned at her table, and God, she could not bring herself to care about which housemate had just been tossed out, what an utterly pointless waste of tree leavings printing that nonsense, but she couldn't stop looking because it was something that wasn't the Doctor, and wasn't that woman, and maybe someday she'd be able to call her by her name instead of you manipulative bitch but not today.
She dumped the Mirror in the recycling and her empty cup in the bin, and scowled all the way home.
Clara had broken a shoelace. Her favourite navy-blue tights had ripped in an uncomfortable private place. The holiday she'd had planned with the Doctor had been delayed due to maintenance that began as preventive and rapidly degenerated into emergency, with Clara and a book parked beside the Doctor to hand him microspanners and elastic bands while she prepared for her next lesson.And then Missy had turned up.That woman had murdered one man Clara loved, and given the other one the power to murder everyone else. Okay, technically that woman hadn't murdered Danny (unless she'd arranged for that car, cut its brakes, distracted Danny as he crossed the street), but what she'd done was as good as killing him again.And the Doctor was that woman's friend. Had been since they were children together on Gallifrey, running and playing with tin TARDISes or whatever toys little Time Lords had. She'd kissed him. With tongue. And he'd kissed her back. Twice.And he'd killed her, too, or so it had seemed, though somehow it hadn't taken. Missy had sauntered into the TARDIS this afternoon – "Hope you don't mind, but I let myself in. Spare key above the 'X,' bless" – and then the arguments began. Gallifrey and where is it and you just didn't look hard enough and you must let me have some fun until Clara was shouting at both of them that she wouldn't have that woman on board while she was here and longtime friendship or not, how could he stand to be around someone who'd done something so awful simply to get what she wanted out of him?"Clara," the Doctor had said quietly, "you know the answer to that question."So out she'd stomped, grabbed a cup of tea at the nearest café, flipped through the pages of the Mirror the last patron had abandoned at her table, and God, she could not bring herself to care about which housemate had just been tossed out, what an utterly pointless waste of tree leavings printing that nonsense, but she couldn't stop looking because it was something that wasn't the Doctor, and wasn't that woman, and maybe someday she'd be able to call her by her name instead of you manipulative bitch but not today.She dumped the Mirror in the recycling and her empty cup in the bin, and scowled all the way home.