As one of the several outcomes of this project, it is important to highlight the large support tostakeholders throughout the decision-making process. The project process allows the identificationof the educational governance drivers and objectives along with the key performance indicators fortheir achievement.The entire model is under a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) cycle. For each iteration, the resultsare analyzed and used to improve the model. Computational intelligence was used as a tool todetermine the best indicators for each driver and goal.A computational model was built to generate students’ profiles, which would allow betterconditions for classifying students within pass/fail groups. The model can also be used to predictstudents’ behavior based on qualifiers analyzed in the dataset. Furthermore, many correlations betweencontinuous and categorical variables can be used to look for information about these correlations’ cause.After applying the model and obtaining the results, some recommendations for students,educators, administrators and relatives were developed as a proof of concept of this project application.In the ideal case, these recommendations should be used to identify indicators that lead to actions toimprove stakeholders’ performance.Further work will include applying the model to more controlled cases and investigating themodel’s structure elements like cost functions f (t) = f (x) + f (y) and classifiers. Moreover, real-timedecision-making is an important problem to be addressed.