Eyes - vision, Vision, Childhood awareness, Memory - recall, Creativity, Dreaming - lucid (rational), Focus, Hypnagogic hallucinations, Hypnagogic state, Meditation, Memory - increase, Relaxation - deep, ELF, Extremely low frequency, Abdominal pain; Allergy; Alziemer; Angina pectoris; Appendix; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Back pain; Brain, theta stimulation; Headaches, general; Hyperthyroid; Insomnia; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Nervousness -- Prozac agitation; Pain relief, abdominal; Stroke, follow up; Sun allergy; Vitamag, Celiac disease 1, Hyperthyroid, Abdominal pain, Allergies, Allergy, Angina pectoris, Arthritis 1, Backache 2, Bells Palsy, Decreased awareness of the physical world, Dreaming - lucid (rational), Feelings - tranquility, Hyperthyroid, Hypnosis, Immune functions - increased, Immune system improvement, Increased Reaction Time, Insomnia, Knee joint pain, Larynx, Nervousness Prozac agitation, Peace, Rehabilitation of body and brain (by delta wave activity), Relaxation, Sleep - deep, Sleep - deep dreamless, Sleep - non-rapid eye movement, Sleep - restorative, Sleep - restorative state, Stroke follow up, Sun allergy, Trance, Tranquility, Vitamag complete set, Anti-aging, DHEA, Melantonin