Everything had gone...confusing, all of a sudden. Yes, bloody confusing that was it.
Which was very inconvenient because it felt like he should know...stuff. Lots of stuff. Universes full of, ehm, stuff. Immeasurable amounts of...everything.
Like his name. And where, precisely, he was. And also how to fly this whatever-ever-it-was; he definitely should know that.
And, of course, he should also know her name, that woman out there in the...the big room, with the upy-down thing - but no round things...there should be more round things. Shouldn’t there? Wonder where the round things went… - . He should know the name of the woman who’d kept asking him questions, whose touch had practically set him on fire - no, no that had been him, he’d been burning earlier, burning with golden fire -. She had very gently guided him into this boring room with its boring bed - but bed isn’t always boring; no, beds can be quite fun...he thinks - , tenderly told him to sleep, and then disappeared to somewhere he’s now forgotten.
He’d woken up a few moments ago - and that was strange, too. It seemed like he’d just been talking to her about pianos and Scots and then he’d...poof. Fallen asleep. He’d have to apologize to her later; it was quite rude to fall asleep while talking to a beautiful woman, after all. It seemed like he’d gotten in trouble for that before -.
As he looked around the room, he rather begrudgingly began to reassess his opinion of it. He’d been so focused on babbling to the woman about inventions and misunderstandings and boring beds, he’d not noticed much of it. He did, quite clearly, remember asking her that if it was a bedroom with a bed for sleeping, what possible use it had while awake and then she’d winked at him. Winked! That seemed mysterious and yet not mysterious, and he was once again caught between a rock and a flummoxed place.
Anyway, this room. This room had a bed and clothes and all sorts of bits and bobs and pictures and...fine. There was a lot more than just a bed. And it felt like it should be familiar, or felt like it would be familiar, or was familiar and oh, that mirror over there looked quite furious.
Or was that him? Did his face look like that? All...frowny?
But anyway, he should know things. No, more than that, even. It felt like he did know, he just couldn’t quite...grasp any of it yet. It was all tenuous and fluctuating - wibbly-wobbly? no, that wasn’t him any more. Wasn’t him the last time, either, come to think of it - and not quite formed into what it was supposed to be yet. But even if everything else was a bit floaty at the moment - did he like pears? It seemed imperative that he have an opinion on pears -, there was a something else, a very thick, brilliant, golden, solid foundation, a connection that seemed to be made of the sternest stuff in the universe. It was grounding him and comforting him even in his confusion and it was binding him reassuringly to the mystery woman. Everything about him could change - had changed, did change, would change, will change - but as long as he had her, then he was ok. Everything was ok/would be ok/will be ok.
一切都已经...混淆,突然间。是的血腥混乱,是它。这是很不方便,因为它觉得他应该知道的东西。很多东西。宇宙充满了的东西,可以随时。不可思议的...一切。像他的名字。,确切地说,他在那里。和也如何飞这不管--it-曾经;他肯定应该知道这些。并且,当然,他也应该知道她的名字,那个女人在那里......的大房间,upy 下来的事情-但没有圆的东西......,应该有更多圆的东西。不应该那里?不知道那里...-的圆的事情。他应该知道女人不停地问他问题,其触摸了几乎放火烧他-不,不,其实他,他已经被烧早些时候,燃烧的金色-的名称。她非常温柔地指导他进这无聊的房,其无聊的床-但床并不总是枯燥;不,床可以很有趣......他认为-,现在忘记他温柔地告诉他睡着了,然后消失到某个地方去。他曾醒了几分钟前-,很奇怪,太。好像他已经只跟她说过关于钢琴和苏格兰人,然后他将...噗的一声。睡着了。他将不得不向她道歉以后;这是非常粗鲁的行为毕竟到一个美丽的女人,说话的时候容易入睡。好像他已经陷入困境之前-的。他环顾房间,他很不情愿地开始重新评估他的它的意见。被如此重点放在牙牙学语到关于发明和误解女人和无聊的病床上,他没有注意到很多。很显然,他记得问她,是否是一间卧室,一张床睡觉,什么可能使用它却睡不着,然后她了他使眼色。眨了眨眼睛!那看起来神秘而又不神秘,和他再一次感到进退两难的岩石和一个混乱的地方。不管怎么说,这个房间。这房间里有一张床和衣服和各种钻头和杂七杂八的东西和图片和...好。有了更多只是一张床。感觉就像它应该很熟悉,或者感觉就像它是很熟悉,或者是熟悉,哦,那镜子在那边看起来相当愤怒。或者,那是他吗?他的脸看,喜欢吗?所有...皱眉?But anyway, he should know things. No, more than that, even. It felt like he did know, he just couldn’t quite...grasp any of it yet. It was all tenuous and fluctuating - wibbly-wobbly? no, that wasn’t him any more. Wasn’t him the last time, either, come to think of it - and not quite formed into what it was supposed to be yet. But even if everything else was a bit floaty at the moment - did he like pears? It seemed imperative that he have an opinion on pears -, there was a something else, a very thick, brilliant, golden, solid foundation, a connection that seemed to be made of the sternest stuff in the universe. It was grounding him and comforting him even in his confusion and it was binding him reassuringly to the mystery woman. Everything about him could change - had changed, did change, would change, will change - but as long as he had her, then he was ok. Everything was ok/would be ok/will be ok.