specifications the short-run volatility component mean-reverts to the long-run trend. The signs of the effects from the investor sentimentvariable imply that the long-run stock or bond market volatility is smaller during times when investor sentiment is high, which isconsistent with Asgharian et al. (2016). In line with our intuition, we can note a positive and significant θc, which means investorsentiment has a significantly positive impact on the long-term stock-bond correlation. When sentiment is low, investors, being riskaverse, tend to sell in the relatively riskier stock market and buy in the relatively safer bond market, known as flight to quality, leading toa decline in the correlations. Moreover, we notice that the coefficients θc1 and θc2 are insignificant, which suggests that there are nosignificant changes in the impact of investor sentiment during the subsample periods. However, ωc is very large, which means that theeffect of sentiment decays very quickly. Fig. 3 plots the correlation estimated by modified model. Considering the dynamic change of m,the long- and short-term components follow a similar trend, which indicates that the modified model is more efficient than the original model.