THIRTY-SECOND TIME WARNING AND FINAL CLEAR TO THE REAR10-112. Once the JM spots the 30-second reference point and is about 30 seconds from the green light, or the safety passes along the loadmaster time warning to the JM: The JM relays the “THIRTY SECONDS,” warning to the jumpers by leaning back, keeping their foot centered on the platform, facing the jumpers, extends the index finger of their lead hand, and announces, “ONE MINUTE.” The jumpers relay the time warning by looking over their shoulder closest to the skin of the aircraft shouting, “THIRTY SECONDS.” After the JM has called off the 30-second reference point, they immediately conduct their final clear to the rear outside safety check: The JM leans forward at the waist 90 degrees, keeping both heels flat, elbows bent while keeping both heels flat on the floor of the cargo compartment. The JM visually conducts a down and behind air-safety check.WARNINGDoor bundles are not authorized to exit the paratroop doors on a C-27J.CAUTIONThe JM or the safety can call a NO DROP anytime they determine something is wrong or unsafe.
THIRTY-SECOND TIME WARNING AND FINAL CLEAR TO THE REAR<br><br>10-112. Once the JM spots the 30-second reference point and is about 30 seconds from the green light, or the safety passes along the loadmaster time warning to the JM:<br> The JM relays the “THIRTY SECONDS,” warning to the jumpers by leaning back, keeping their foot centered on the platform, facing the jumpers, extends the index finger of their lead hand, and announces, “ONE MINUTE.”<br> The jumpers relay the time warning by looking over their shoulder closest to the skin of the aircraft shouting, “THIRTY SECONDS.”<br> <br> After the JM has called off the 30-second reference point, they immediately conduct their final clear to the rear outside safety check:<br>的JM前傾的腰部90度,保持兩腳跟平,同時保持兩個腳後跟平放在貨艙的地板肘部彎曲。<br>的JM視覺進行一次下來,後面的航空安全檢查。<br><br>警告<br><br>門束無權退出對C-27J的傘兵門。<br><br>小心<br><br>的JM或安全可撥打NO DROP他們隨時確定什麼是錯的或不安全的。