MeasuresP A self-efficacy. P A self-efficacy was measured using 10 items that assessed degree of confidence in achieving 150 min/week of mod- erate-to-vigorous PA despite various barriers. A total of 150 min was chosen because this value is recommended in the Canadian PA guidelines for adults (Tremblay et al., 2011). Each barrier was borrowed from previous research or scales recommended by Bandura (Bandura, 2006; McAuley, Poag, Gleason, & Wraith, 1990; McIntyre & Rhodes, 2009). The barrier items were “I am feeling tired,” “I feel pressure from work,” “The weather is very bad,” “I don’t have access to any facilities,” “I have too much do- mestic work to do at home,” “I cannot get childcare,” “I cannot afford it financially,” “I don’t have support from my family or friends,” “I am having health complications,” and “I have other time commitments.” As recommended by Bandura (2006), participants rated their confi-dence as a percentage (0 not at all confident, 50 moderately confident, and 100 highly confident) that increased in increments of 10 ( .90). The stem prior to each item was “I believe that I could achieve 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week if . . .”