Abstract—A compact multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO)
antenna is presented for ultrawideband (UWB) applications with
band-notched function. The proposed antenna is composed of two
offset microstrip-fed antenna elements with UWB performance.
To achieve high isolation and polarization diversity, the antenna
elements are placed perpendicular to each other. A parasitic
T-shaped strip between the radiating elements is employed as a
decoupling structure to further suppress the mutual coupling.
In addition, the notched band at 5.5 GHz is realized by etching
a pair of L-shaped slits on the ground. The antenna prototype
with a compact size of mm has been fabricated
and measured. Experimental results show that the antenna has an
impedance bandwidth of 3.08-11.8 GHz with reflection coefficient
less than dB, except the rejection band of 5.03-5.97 GHz. Besides,
port isolation, envelope correlation coefficient and radiation
characteristics are also investigated. The results indicate that the